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ISS Final Exam Study Guide 04 30 2012 Key Terms Acheulian term used to describe a type of stone tool technology that appeared 1 4 mya o Used by Homo Erectus o Biface tools o Flatter and have sharper sides than Olduwan tools o Requires great skill to manufacture3 o Softer material absorbs more of the shock of the blow o Suggested for hunting Anatomically Modern Homo Sapiens It is clear they are in some way derived from archaic Homo sapiens but the exact mode is unclear o Appeared 100 000 yrs ago Have large brains Very similar postcranial skeleton to archaic homo sapiens Have high skulls and vertical foreheads Archaic Homo Sapiens Refers to early homo sapiens which are not yet in automatically modern form o Individuals that possess a MIX of primitive erectus like traits and derived sapiens like traits Have low skulls and sloping foreheads Larger teeth and face than AMHS Rarely have chins Have thicker bones and greater musculature Homo Erectus lasted until 200 000 yrs ago Bipedalism two footed Endemic o Low but constant rate a few cases are always present but no major spread occurs Epidemic Pandemic Epidemiology o Takes place over large geographic ranges o Epidemic that takes place over large geographic ranges o The study of human disease patterns and their causes Infectious non infectious diseases Epidemiological Transition o Shift from infectious diseases to non infectious diseases as the primary cause of death Food Acquisition Model Free hands allow individuals to carry food especially useful for moving across open woodland and savanna o Energy efficiency is increased in upright walking looking for food Problems with this model Primates generally feed at food source they don t transport food Analogy When chimps are seen bipedal they are usually standing not walking or carrying food Bipedalism human style is less efficient than knuckle walking or running in other apes Gracile o Later australopithecine o South Africa 3 2mya o Later form of Afarensis both robust and gracile o Large faces but not as large as robusts o Cheeks flare but not as much o No crests o One species of its known africanus o Soft food o Human like traits Relatively large front teeth No diastema o Unhuman like Still very large teeth though not as big as robust o Replaced by A Robusts in South Africa Heat Stress Model o Upright posture reduces the amount of sunlight that strikes the body during the hottest part of the day o Higher wind speed and lower temperature away from the ground Problems with heat stress model Other animals who live in Savanna aren t bipedal They just void the midday sun Earliest bipeds found at sites with forests Hominid bipedal Hominoid apes and humans Infectious diseases Diseases caused by the introduction of organic matter virus bacteria parasite into the body Non Infectious diseases Diseases caused by genetic and or environmental factors o Lower rates in hunter gatherers Laetoli footprints and well developed arch o Time and place suggests A afarensis Mitochondral eve o Show bipedal characteristics of non divergent toe heel strike o Replacement model o Variation stems from a single female we are all descended from Molar microwear o Wear on teeth Robusts chew on hard seeds pits Graciles chew on softer foods o Scratches Mosaic Evolution Mousterian o Evolution occurs in stages not all at once o Tools o Stone tool technology advanced from the earlier acheulian technology of H Erectus and earliest AHS o Variation from region to region o Uses a prepared core technique to manufacture tools LEVALLOIS TECHNIQUE o Flint nodule is chipped around the edges o Then the small flakes are removed from the top of the core o Then the core is struck at one end to split off the tool Multiregional Model o Ancestral humans left Africa over 1mya as homo erectus and spread to Europe Asia S E Asia as well as some stayed in Africa populations o Regional H erectus populations became H Sapiens o Homo erectus spreads into diff regions and within those regions homo erectus from that region and homo erectus from another region mate gene flow gene flow makes it so that all the regional homo erectus look relatively the same and as they evolve into archaic and anatomically moderns they look the same o Reason for small regional differences gene drift Because within each place they are also mating New World Syndrome o Name coined by Ken Weiss and colleagues in 1984 for a set of noninfectious diseases that appear in elevated frequencies among Native Americans Noninsulin dependent diabetes Gallstone Gall bladder cancer Obesity Olduwan o First tools used by H Habilis o Less diverse than Acheulian tradition o Are not as sharp o Not as developed as acheulian or mousterian o Earliest stone tools Paleopathology o The study of disease in prehistoric populations o Study of skeletal remains X rays Diseases Physical trauma Treatments of disease Chemical analysis Post cranial skeleton o Brain was smaller but femurs were identical to humans indicating upright walking came first o Involves parts of the body that lie posterior to the head indicates bipedalism o Similar to modern humans o Pelvis relatively narrow Predator Avoidance Model o When hominids left woodlands and moved to the savanna they were in danger from predators o Two legs would allow hominids to stand and see over savanna to spot predators Problems with this model Bipedalism is not needed for this temporary task apes do this all the time so do prairie dogs Bipedalism also increases chances of predators spotting Tree climbing ability would be better for avoiding you predators Primitive o Traits that have not changed from ancestral state Ape like traits Small brains Large back teeth Derived o Traits that have changed from ancestral state Hominid like traits Big head Bipedalism Flat face Smaller canines Larger front teeth Proconsul o Earliest ape of the Miocene Reproduction model o Allows for more efficient transport of babies and greater ease in transporting food thus increased fitness reproductive success o Allows more offspring through overlapping births since more than one infant can be carried for a time thus increasing population growth o More sex lead to loss of estrus Robust o Found din East and South Africa o Evolved from earlier hominid groups Afarencis o DERIVED TRAITS ARE NOT VERY HUMAN LIKE Have tiny incisors Tiny canines HUGE cheek teeth Had crushing grinding teeth Really huge molars Human Like traits Non projecting canines No diastema Bicuspid lower molars

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