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Chapter 7 Learning Learning produce changes in an organism s behaviors collection of different techniques procedures and outcomes that o Involves acquisition of new knowledge skills or responses from experience that results in a relatively permanent change in the state of the learner a general process in which repeated or prolonged exposure to a Habituation stimulus results in gradual reduction in responding Sensitization stimulus presentation of a stimulus leads to increased response to later Classical Conditioning One Thing Leads to Another Classical conditioning being paired with a stimulus that naturally produces a response when a neutral stimulus produces a response after something that reliably produces a reflexive reaction that is reliably o Unconditioned stimulus US o Unconditioned response UR naturally occurring reaction in an organism produced by an unconditioned stimulus a reliable response after being paired with a US response but is produce by the CS o Conditioned response CR o Conditioned stimulus CS previously neutral stimulus that produces reaction that resembles an unconditioned Acquisition the phase of classical conditioning when the CS and US are conditioning where a CS is paired with a stimulus Extinction the gradual elimination of a learned response when the CS is presented together Second order conditioning that became associated with the US earlier repeatedly presented without the US Spontaneous recovery extinction after a rest period from the CS used during acquisition stimuli Generalization the CR is observed even though the CS is slightly different Discrimination the capacity to distinguish between similar but distant Classical conditioning occurs when an animal sets up an expectation Conditioning is easier with unfamiliar event than familiar Biological preparedness associations over others propensity for learning particular kinds of the tendency of a learned behavior to recover from Operant Conditioning Reinforcements from the Environment Operant conditioning a type of learning in which the consequences of an organism s behavior determine whether it will be repeated in the future Instrumental behavior Thorndike behavior that required an organism yo do something Reinforcer Operant behavior any stimulus or event that functions to increase the likelihood of behavior an organism produces that has some impact of Behaviors that are followed by a satisfying state of affairs Law of effect tend to repeated and those that produce an unpleasant state of affairs are less likely to be repeated the environment Skinner the behavior that led to it the behavior that led to it rewarding stimulus is presented unpleasant stimulus is removed unpleasant stimulus administered rewarding stimulus is removed Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment Reinforcement works better than punishment any stimulus or event that functions to decrease the likelihood of Punisher o Punishment signals and unacceptable behavior occurred but doesn t specify what should be done instead satisfy biological needs Primary reinforcers Secondary reinforcers reinforcers through classical conditioning effective through associations with primary 1 time less effective reinforcement based on the time intervals between operant behavior undergoes extinction when reinforcement stops Schedules of Reinforcement Interval schedules reinforcements 2 Ratio schedules o Fixed interval schedule FI periods provided that the appropriate response is made average time that has expired since last reinforcement number of responses have been made o Variable interval schedule VI o Fixed ratio schedule FR based on ratio of responses to reinforcements behavior is reinforced based on an reinforcers are presented at fixed time reinforcement is delivered after a specific Each response continuous reinforcement o Variable ratio schedule VR particular average number of responses delivery of reinforcements is based on a ratio response when only some of the responses Intermittent reinforcement made are followed by reinforcement Intermittent reinforcement effect operant behaviors that are maintained under intermittent reinforcement schedules resist extinction better than those maintained under continuous reinforcement learning that results from the reinforcement of successive steps to a behavior that gets incrementally closer to the Shaping final desired behavior Successive approximation overall desired behavior Superstition behaviors accidentally reinforced o Tolman s means end relationship rats and mazes something is learned but it is not manifested as a behavioral Cognitive map Latent learning change until sometime in the future environment Pleasure centers o Medial forebrain bundle Observational Learning Look at Me mental representation of the physical features of the brain areas that produce intensely positive experiences Diffusion chain Observational learning individuals initially learn a behavior by observing another learning takes place by watching the actions of others individual perform that behavior and they serve as a model from which other individuals learn the behavior being raised in human culture has a profound effect on the cognitive abilities of chimpanzees especially their ability to understand the intentions of others when performing tests Enculturation hypothesis Implicit Learning Under the Wires Implicit learning of both the process and the products of information acquisiton learning that takes place largely independent of awareness Learning in the Classroom Judgments of learning people tend to devote more time to studying items they judge they have not learned well

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