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287 Module 1 Exam Study Guide A Sport and Sociological Imagination Kinesiology is the interdisciplinary study of historical sociological psychological biomechanical and physiological elements to make up physical activity The ACTIVE body Physical culture represents an ontologically mixed entity diverse ways of being physical Think about the body scientifically biologically and quantitatively This class is studying contemporary sport culture and its relation to a broader society Aim is to produce critical sporting intellectuals Theory is interpretation that leads to explanation and gives order and insight into observations Sport has no essential definition Many things can be considered sport Structured rules and constraints Goal Oriented commonly defined objectives that allow for winners Competitive contest based Ludic elements of freedom and play Physical involving the body Prolympic sports are elite highly structured and competitive Sport noun describing the culturally sanctioned aspects of physical activity practiced within a given society Sport is constantly changing and being changed Gramsci contested terrain dominant football cultural practices are constantly struggling for a position against residual cock fighting and emergent extreme ironing practices Active body is the internal instrument and object of physical culture sport is not substantial it is relational understand this Sporting Fetishization acting like sport is spate from culture and historical moments but taking them for granted Dialectic Sport is both a producer and a product of contemporary society two way mutually reinforcing relationship Jigsaw analogy sport is meaningless on its own must be understood in relation to the rest of society Develop sporting sociological imaginations and map relationship between sport and society B Sport and the Neoliberal Political Order Politicization of sports Politics using sport to relate to people and get ahead showing off Sarah Palin as a soccer mom Macro Politics the ability to govern is on a societal level monarchy Micro Politics ability to govern is on a personal level in the office elected govt and on a team C The Corporeal Economy of Sport There must be a degree of ideological consensus with agreements on ideas values and beliefs for a successful system of rule Gramscis Hegemony dominant group is able to win support of the masses through subtle support and coercion During Beijing Olympics China controlled all aspects of society controlling info using games as propaganda controlling people Used it as a tool to show they earned the right to stay in power Rollerball society is an example of how public opinion is manipulated in order to gain consent and maintain power hegemony The global corporate majors control everything in society Indviduals needs and wants are supplied by majors in return for their compliance and obedience America is run by Neoliberal Capitalism Used to be lots of social welfare and public funding but then it switched and state pulled out and in came neoliberalism Based on the philosophy of a free market and limited government involvement Sport has become a source of income for big business Trickle down effect Economy is defined by the production and accumulation of capital Bodies are bought and sold Capitalist hegemony many people disagree with it but no one questions whether or not capitalism is right for the US Corporization process where social institutions adopt the structure managerial hierarchies and profit driven focus of commercial corporations becomes the Corporization of American life Commercialization process where institutions are structured primarily for generating profit We used to have industrial capitalism capital generated from mass production and consumption of material products rigid regime Now we have Cultural late capitalism capital increasingly generated from production and consumption of cultural products flexible regime Late capitalism is our cultural economy Corporization and commercialization of all sectors of society life Sport has become an important target of capital investment and profit It has become reorganized and restructured to produce maximum profit Moved from rigid to flexible regimes of accumulation services info knowledge entertainment education Corporization and commercialism of sport it is now incorporated and mobilized by the corporate capitalist economy game attendance broadcasting events spectacles Corporate elite sport highly regulated controlled and predictable mass entertainment product designed to generate maximum profit across numerous revenue streams The body is the primary instrument and object of physical sport culture it is both made by and makes physical sport culture when we watch sports we are consuming high performance athletic bodies they are machines that manufacture and produce the products of the sport industry Sporting Taylorism sport science body is treated like a machine and analyzed in order to create the most efficient successful sporting body Due to corporate demands tons of research time and money are put into developing things to improve the body Cyborg Athletes boundaries between natural athletes and technology has been blurred athletes are seen as just extensions of the technology that created them McDonaldization process by which the fast food restaurant is dominated more and more sectors of American society 1 Efficiency streamlining production process simplification of products and services 2 Calculability products and services are based on objective quantifiable instead of subjected personal taste measures 3 Predictability uniform and standard products and services 4 Control increase of rules and regulations over experience of workers and consumers Weber s Iron cage capitalism traps individuals in highly organized structured rule based and goal oriented forms of existence Athletes are dehumanized externally controlled and disenchanted lacking freedom as sporting machines Perils of sporting McDonaldization overtraining abuse of body playing while injured playing TO injure extreme body modification All the aspects of McDonaldication can be related to the fitness industry D Society Of the Sporting Spectacle Culture has two meanings A set of practices things we do in our everyday lives A system of Meanings values ideas beliefs of society The speed of cultural communication has drastically increased due to technology visual digital global instantaneous viral Social welfare functions

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UMD KNES 287 - Sport and Sociological Imagination

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