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2 4 Week 4 Nutrition Labeling Organic Foods Organically grown produced foods ex 100 organic organic 95 made with organic ingredients 70 organic some organic ingredients 70 organic Nutrition Labeling Tranisiton Industry labels supplement the Nutriton Facts Label for the food product not regulated publicly criteria vary appear only on selected products New Labeling Systems Nutrition a Glance Smart Choices Made Easy Smart Choices Program that they were good for you ex smart choice check is okay to eat in a hurry without even looking started w cereals put checks on all high fiber cereals shredded wheat frosted shredded wheat not the same added sugar shouldn t have gotten a smart balance check Calories on Display some local state gov require calorie information in chain restaurants small businesses may not have to have more than likely they will because they want you to come back always ask for nutritional facts if not posted Beyond Nutritional Labels nutrition labels will never provide all the information needed to make wise decision about food they can t make you make a choice they give you the information helping people make WISE choices people must be informed about nutrition making the right food choices MyPyramid Food Guide Nutrition Attitudes Behavior Unit 5 Origins of Food Choices based on influences and how we are eating food choices vary widely among different cultures societies In Mexico grasshoppers are enjoyed Factors Influencing Food selection Dietary Quality Food Preferences food taste smell color texture temperature heredity familiarity Culture acceptable foods Customs Food symbolism Nutrition Knowledge Beliefs health concerns nutritional value of foods education experience Practical considerations food cost convience level of hunger food availability heath status Food Preferences are Learned food preference has the largest impact on food choice foods develop strong symbolic emotional and cultural meanings ex learned behaviors dad always salting food a child will catch on cookies milk symbolize grandma Preference is Not Instinctive food choices are not driven by a need for nutrients or a well balanced diet must feed ourselves according to what our bodies need humans were born with mechanism that help determine when how much to eat a few taste preference Newborn Tastes study on how do infants behave with food ex baby b doesn t like water but baby c likes sugar evidence ex baby d e don t like sour or bitter Food choices preferences We choose foods that based on or experience give us pleasure we reject foods that bring us discomfort guild or unpleasant memories Rejection to food lasts long time if not rest of your life ex she won t ever drink coffee b c story when she was little will never eat it again Symbolic Meaning of Food Status Food associated w social position or wealth Comfort Foods assoc w nurture reassurance Discomforts foods associated with illness or negative experience Macaroni cheese everyday American food often associated with childhood Cultural Values Surround Food cultural norms are not easily modified dietary change introduced into a culture to improve health only works if it is accepted in the culture ex pasta hard to reduce carbohydrates ex pizza hard to make veggie Other factors in food choice food cost availability wide selection low cost improve choices genetic influences some people are sensitive to bitterness Food Choices Do Change changes in food choices since 1990 sugars 17 high fructose corn syrup cheaper in everything skim milk 25 healthier chicken 33 cheap multiple ways to make it lean margarine 42 butter isn t better than margarine sat fat oranges 18 expensive best kind of margarine is in tub smoother less saturated fat or even liquid because least saturated fat I can t believe it s butter spray 0 everything no fat content climate makes them more expensive How Do Food Choices Change food choices often change with knowledge about good nutrition diet health nutrition is a billion dollar industry ex Dr Phil famous people who have lost weight Know knowledge isn t Enough changing food choices isn t always easy Attitudes Beliefs Values food choices are influenced by the consumer s perception of the importance of diet to health unconcerned committed vacillating Table 5 1 Foods that enhance food changes attitude that nutrition is important belief that diet affects health perceived susceptibility to diet related health problems perception that benefits of change outweigh barriers to change Successful Changes in Food Choices make specific plan start w small easy changes be prepared for relapses table 5 2 Does Diet Affect Behavior 5 3 Malnutrition Mental Performance malnutrition in early childhood has server effects some children never fully recover Protein calorie malnutrition in early life Protein calorie malnutrition in later childhood Other Dietary Events Impair Learning do not receive adequate amount of nutrition in protein but if caught early can be corrected leads to growth retardation low intelligence poor memory short attention span behavioral effects can be corrected in nutritional malnutrition Skipping breakfast reduces late morning problem solving performance of children Fetal alcohol exposure permanently delays mental development behavioral problems

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Labeling Organic Foods

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