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Power Politics Often associated with negative perceptions but is often necessary Political skill the ability to maximize and leverage relationships in order to achieve organizational team and individual goals 4 Political Practices Interpersonal Influence ability to influence others with charisma 1 Social Awareness ability to observe and understand others 2 3 Networking ability to build relationships across outside the organization 4 Sincerity ability to be honest open and genuine with others Power is the ability to o Influence behavior and decisions o Control valuable resources Leadership using power to direct followers o Organizational Power formal Information power o Personal Informal Prestige power Sources of politics o Ambiguity o Uncertainty o Conflict Ethics Values Political will the intention to actually use politics in an organization Ethical Leadership the process of influencing people through principles values and beliefs that embrace what we have defined as right behavior What causes us to be unethical o Rationalization of our decisions o Implied permission no one said yes but no one said no o Which one of Kohlberg s levels of development you re at o Sense of entitlement o Organizational situation o Individual character o Motivated blindness seeing what you want to see Corporate Social Responsibility take responsibility for the company s environmental impact Triple Bottom Line o Social environmental and financial o People planet and profit Components of a great corporate culture o Vision o Values o Practices o People o Narrative o Place Followership idea leader Often ignored Difference in qualities of an individual who is an ideal follower vs who is an 3 types of followers Passive active proactive If we re labeled a follower we take less responsibility for a successful outcome Needs of the followers shapes our opinion of the leader The right follower for one leader may not be the right follower for another leader Abusive Supervision 3 Key Parts Sustained hostile and verbal o public criticism o loud angry tantrums o rudeness o inconsiderate o Coercion o Public ridiculing o Taking credit for members successes o Scapegoating Negative Costly effects o Causes increased turnover o They steal more from the organization o Loss of productivity o Diminishes psychological well being o Counterproductive Work Behavior o Cyberloafing o Tension o Exhaustion o Work family conflict o Alcoholism o Frustration o Helplessness o Alienation from work o Less job satisfaction o Poor work attitude o Absenteeism o Health care costs o Lack of confidence in company o Greater likelihood of abuse amongst co workers Causes o Trickle Down Effect Top manager abuses so middle manager abuses in turn causing lower manager to abuse etc o Displaced aggression things outside of work add up and cause them to snap Characteristics o Charismatic o Narcissistic o Negative life themes ex abuse Second Hand Bullying Vicarious Abusive Supervision o When co workers witness a supervisor abusing one of their fellow Creativity the production of novel and useful ideas Bring into existence new ideas establish a place that helps members become Innovation implementation or commercialization of newly created ideas members Creativity more creative Characteristics o Knowledgeable o Self confident o Risk taker o OK with chaos o Persistence o Non conformist Improving practice positivity new opportunities exercise record ideas Organizing collect ideas have creative space brainstorm address complaints

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FSU MAN 4143 - Power & Politics

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