Monday 1 12 15 Human Physiology EEOB2520 Dr C L Bronson 5 TAs Alex Fotis 2 Jake Wochna 2 Jenn Hellmann 13 Ally Zeleznik 10 Liz Hoslins 56 What s Physiology How an organism works reactions o Systems o About how ions move and set up gradients and proteins that set up Ex Circulatory respiratory renal kidney urination Integration of several other sciences such as o Anatomy biology chemistry physics Four critical Equations o ATP ADP P energy reversible ATP is the energy currency of the cell Used to drive many cell processes o Glucose O ADP P ATP CO H O heat Our job to make the most currency o CO H O HCO H reversible Aiding the transport of a key gas CO is non polar so we make them polar so they can travel through the body up to the lungs via the blood were the reaction will be reversed so we exhale CO More related to lungs and circulatory system H changes the pH We solved one problem but we created a pH issue now o PV nRT Pressure volume of items temperature Key for lungs blood vessels etc Blood pressure Homeostasis Homeo same stasis state Definition relatively stable maintenance of a body parameter o Dynamic constancy Dynamic changing constancy not changing Monday 1 12 15 Figure 1 4 o Blood levels of glucose spike after meals breakfast lunch dinner o Levels return back to normal about a few hours later Homeostatic Control System o Set of Interconnected components o Purpose Keep parameter at set point SP Set point for human body 98 6 SP is not necessarily a super specific number it s actually a range o Steady State SS parameter at SP To be at SS we have to be at our SP SS is the level part of the graph from figure 1 4 Being in the steady state requires energy Even though the system is not changing energy E is being used Not equilibrium no in E Change Equilibrium means you are not using any energy Because E is limited trade offs are required o Disturbances from Steady State Reactive response feedback We are reacting to a change that has already happened We call this feedback 2 types of feedback o Negative opposite of th 1241e disturbance direction Ex If glucose levels spikes you bring it back down We see this one far more often Returns toward Steady State o Positive continue in disturbance direction Ex child birth contractions get stronger and stronger until the baby gets out Moves further away from Steady State Proactive preparation Feedforward Body anticipates a change o Ex glucose levels will drop before it anticipates a meal so the levels don t spike above the steady state as much Limits the degree of feedback required Monday 1 12 15 Less E required because we aren t as far away from the steady state
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