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1919 10 01 2013 Worldwide upheaval Upheaval at home labor and the Red Scare Wilson s wartime promise Freedom and Democracy Seattle general strike Police Strike in Boston Great Steel Strike in Chicago The Red Scare o Palmer Raids Labor 2 leading organizations o American Federation of Labor AFL Sought to forge ties with corporate leaders who were willing to deal with unions o Industrial Workers of the World IWW Also wanted a new form of social organization Red Summer black protest African Americans o Attitudes to WW1 Safe for Democracy Opponents of War Proponents of War W E B DuBois He felt that if African Americans made sacrafices during the war the Whites would later help them in return Service in the War Segregated units 369th division of the US National Guard Harlem Hellfighters unequal treatment The Great Migration o Industrial jobs Promises unfulfilled and the seeds of war to come Radicalization Universal Negro Improvement Association UNIA Northern Fever Socialism o Marcus Garvey We desire a freedom that will lift us to the common standard of all men freedom that will give us a chance and opportunity to rise to the fullest of our ambiton and that we cannot get in countries where other men rule and dominate A political and economic theory of social organization that advocated that the means of production distribution and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism Communism A political theory derived from Karl Marx advocating class war and leading to a society 10 01 2013 10 01 2013

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UD HIST 206 - Labor

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