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Chapter 3 Homework 1 Coupled transcription and translation is an important property of bacteria that allows them to produce proteins quickly and rapidly respond to environmental stimuli Eukaryal microbes are not able to couple transcription and translation because a mRNA must be exported out of the nucleus before the translation can take place 2 When compared to bacterial flagella eukaryal flagella a Are bigger are flexible and perform the same function 3 Fungi are differentiated from the other major groups of eukaryal microbes by a Having cell walls made of chitin 4 Why are eukaryal pathogens often more difficult to target by antimicrobials a They have fewer unique properties that differentiate them from host cells 5 The gut of ruminants contains a highly diverse mixture of microbes responsible for digesting a wide variety of complex plant molecules Maintaining such a heavy microbial fauna imposes an energy demand on the host animal yet clearly this is a successful strategy for this group of animals Why a The mixture of microbes allows the host animal to produce a much wider variety of digestive enzymes far more than the host could ever hope to encode in their own genome 6 Fungi have nuclear envelopes like all other eukaryal microbes but lack other membrane bound organelles like endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus 7 Although nucleic acid sequences clearly differentiate among the three domains of living organisms they are not useful in establishing phylogenetic relationships within the domain eukarya a False a False 8 What are they key features of members belonging to the domain Eukarya a A nucleus that contains genetic information for the cell mitochondria that generate ATP via oxidative phosphorylation endoplasmic reticulum that synthesize complex molecules depending on their type and a golgi apparatus to modify package and sort proteins 9 Which eukaryal microbes are studied as model organisms a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chlamydomonas Giardia lamblia and Dictyostelium 10 Select the correct incorrect pairing of human infections with the fungal pathogens that cause discoideum them Leishmaniases Leishmania a Athlete s foot Epidermophyton floccosum b c Candidasis Candida albicans d Intestinal disease dysentery Trypanosoma brucei 11 Bacterial cell walls are composed of eukaryal cell walls are composed of and fungal cell walls are usually composed of 12 Which group of eukaryal microbes plays a key role in the fermentation of alcoholic beverages a Peptidoglycan cellulose chitin a Fungi 13 Malaria continues to be a major public health concern in some parts of the world because a It has developed resistance to current drug treatments

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LSU BIOL 2051 - Chapter 3 Homework

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