Friday 1 16 15 Control for HCS Signal Cont Chemical messengers o Most travel through extracellular EC fluid Endocrine paracrine neurotransmitter Special cases Autocrine pathway IF interstitial fluid o Does not communicate from cell A to cell B o Its communicates from cell A to cell A o The receiving cell the effector is also the resleaser Cytokine pathway IF plasma lymph immune signal o The messengers of our immune system o Special because it can travel through a bunch of different mediums o Generally associated with the immune system Figure 1 9 o Some not based on EC fluid Gap junctions direct channels between adjacent cells Figure 3 9 Juxtacrines bound to cell membrane i e not released Cells come in contact with each other Nothing is actually released into the EC Figure 18 12 Body Organization Cell each has the same DNA genetic information o New cells via mitosis figure 1 1 o Unspecialized undifferentiated specialized differentiation o Major categories Muscles generate mechanical force works with electrical signals Nerve neurons Epithelial cells Connective interacts with environment and acts as protection Found on skin lines the lungs Lines the organs that come in contact with air connect anchor and support not just physical support but also metabolic Tissues groupings of similar specialized cells o Same 4 major categories Friday 1 16 15 Organs combinations of tissues o Almost all organs have muscle nerve and connective tissues o Vary in proportion and pattern o Functional units Smallest yet still works Smallest unit that can still perform the full function of the organ Why do we have functional units Redundancy continue even if lose some o the quality of having more than one functional unit Expansion add more without stopping o You can add another functional unit to that existing Organ Systems organs with common function functional unit o Ex circulatory system heart blood vessels blood o Specials OSs Organ systems can contain other OSs Ex immune WBCs spleen thymus circulatory system Extracellular o Fluid o Matrix collection of proteins and minerals Functions Provide structure Regulate info transfer Protein types Fibers main ones o Collagen rope like traits Like a dogs leash it can move things closer just fine but prevents things from moving to far away o Elastin rubberband like traits Can move things further away but things can spring back together Non fibrous carbohydrate associated dominant o Normal proteins the globular shaped ones Fluid Compartments there are 3 1 Intracellular fluid cytosol within cells 67 of total water 28L o Extracellular fluid EC outside cells 2 Interstitial fluid IF between cells actual external o 26 11L 3 Plasma fluid on blood vessels o 7 3L Don t need to know exact numbers Just know which is biggest smallest Friday 1 16 15
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