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The Rise of Democracy 1824 1832 MON Nov 3 KEY TERMS Corrupt Bargain Martin Van Buren Indian Removal Act 1830 Nullification Crisis 1832 Bank War 1832 Whigs Democrats Review When was the Era of Good Feelings When there was only one party Democratic Republicans The Federalists switched parties This era signalled the end of the first two party system The Election of 1824 Every 4 years there is a presidential election Candidates John Quincy Adams Henry Clay Andrew Jackson William Crawford gets sick This is going to signal the end of the Era of Good Feelings which was the end of the first two party system The start of the presidential election Technically they were all from the same political party Hence the Era of Good Feelings that just ended So perhaps a new way to identify them is by the region that they supported Example North or South Results Eventually William Crawford gets sick and cannot run anymore Jackson wins a plurality of the electoral and popular vote Plurality you have the most votes but not the majority Adams comes in second popular Clay comes in third popular Henry Clay was a bitter rival of Andrew Jackson He also knew that he wasn t going to win the presidency didn t have the support But he did have enough support to sway the results of the election If he wanted to he could throw support behind another candidate to help them Wanted to be Secretary of State if he did not win because a stepping stone to win presidency Historically there were no document of Clay or Adams having met All the people who voted for Clay voted to Adams who did win Clay does become Secretary of State Therefore according to Jackson it seemed like Clay swapped his presidential candidacy so that Adams could win He called this the Corrupt Bargain Jackson and Clay are now going to hate each other for their professional political rest of their lives Now Jackson is going to travel around the country for the next 4 years campaigning for Election of 1828 President John Quincy Adams 1825 1829 According to Jackson he wins by foul play Corrupt Bargain He was pissed Because of the outcome of the election he is going to run again for the election of 1828 Telling people that he was cheated and wronged Going to create his own political party Easier for corruption if there is one political party Competition breeds support and accountability He believed that having a second political party could prevent another Corrupt Bargain The development of the new political party started in 1824 when Andrew Jackson lost the election to John Q Adams A lot of the attacks that Jackson is going to do for the electron is going to be personal By 1828 not very many people are going to like John Q Adams so Jackson is going to win the presidency pretty easily Democratic Party the creation of Martin Van Buren eventually president Instrumental in helping Jackson create this party Jackson s supporters are going to become democrats The second political party system is going to consist of Wigs Henry Clay Going to be valued by Henry Clay Democrats Andrew Jackson Jackson and Van Buren are going to shift their talk to ordinary citizens Going to associate themselves with the common man The people in the bottom of the social ladder will have more of a role in politics Van Buren important because he is going to create a political system that represents the political system that we have today Pioneer of modern politics Birth of Modern Politics Some of the things that Van Buren is going to help out with politic wise National Campaigns Shifting from regional politics to national politics How is he going to do that See bullet below Party hierarchy of local and state organizations linked to the national party Much more of a framework in terms of party organization Large Public Partisan Demonstrations Speeches and rallies all you can hear is the candidate for one political party Much more pro this party Political Imagery Political Spin Example Andrew Jackson nicknamed Old Hickory political stump with a tree stump political imagery to sway politics Trying to associate a wider number of images or symbols to a candidate Spin rooms representatives talk about why they won Jackson is going to be very different than the presidents that came before him Country backwoods president white trash Going to be the first non elite president This is how Jackson is going to be portrayed by John Q Adams Jackson wasn t an intellectual unlike prior presidents Who is going to spin Jackson s weaknesses to strengths Van Buren is going to use his weaknesses to make connections with Jackson and the common people Spin them into strengths Connect Jackson with the common man I m just as ordinary like you Was Jackson s emergence truly a triumph for the common man in politics Should Jackson get the credit that he gets Van Buren and Jackson are going to increase the number of voters Yes more white men than ever before had more to say in American politics as in vote politics They are now going to increase the number of people who are going to participate in Also yes because they are going to create another political party More options More political party view choices Now there is accountability So Yes Jackson had some positive impacts on American politics But No Jackson doesn t entirely deserve all the credit that he gets Van Buren was the brains behind the operation Women Native Americans poors freed blacks slaves etc are still not being heard Still a lot of people who couldn t vote Good things behind Democratic politics More people are going to have a say But also there needs to be ramifications behind how you should vote Some judgement because voting back then used to be verbal Not entirely discreet Secret voting doesn t come in until late 19th Century President Andrew Jackson 1829 1837 He didn t like Native Americans Some of that stems from his history of fighting N Americans He thought that they needed to be moved out of the way to the West He also didn t like elites upper people Perhaps because of where Jackson came from Always had a chip on his shoulder Jackson didn t have the life of the elites Believed that the Executive Branch president is the most powerful branch in the government want Thinks I have the most power thanks to being voted by the people People voted me here so clearly they wanted me here I can do whatever I He is going to utilize a system of political patronage A type of currency Going to reward the people that support him Going to exchange government

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