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CMST 2060 Midterm study guide 10 06 2014 CH 1 Speaking in Public The communication channel Similarities and Differences between Public Speaking and Conversation Similarities o 1 Organizing your thoughts logically o 2 Tailoring your message to your audience o 3 Telling a story for maximum impact o 4 Adapting to listener feedback Differences o 1 Public speaking is more highly structured o 2 Public speaking requires more formal language o 3 Public speaking requires a different method of delivery Dealing with speech anxiety Rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright you should aim at transforming it from negative force into what one expert calls positive nervousness controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for his or her presentation 6 ways to turn your nervousness from a negative force into a positive one o 1 Acquire speaking experience o 2 Prepare prepare prepare pick topics that you truly care about and then prepare so thoroughly that you cant help but be successful proper preparation can reduce stage fright by up to 75 o 3 Think positively o 4 Use the power of visualization key to visualization is creating a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech o 5 Know that most nervousness is not visible o 6 Don t expect perfection one of the biggest reasons people are concerned about making a mistake in a speech is that they view speechmaking as a performance rather than an act of communication Key Terms 1 Stage fright anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience 2 Adrenaline a hormone released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress 3 positive nervousness controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for his or her presentation 4 visualization mental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures himself or herself giving a successful presentation 5 critical thinking focused organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas the soundness of evidence and the differences between fact and opinion 6 speaker the person who is presenting an oral message to the listener 7 message whatever a speaker communicates to someone else 8 channel the means by which a message is communicated 9 listener the person who receives the speaker s message 10 frame of reference the sum of a person s knowledge experience goals values and attitudes No two people can have exactly the same frame of reference 11 feedback the message usually nonverbal sent from a listener to a speaker 12 interference anything that impedes the communication of a message Interference can be external static or crossed wires in a phone convo traffic outside classroom a room that s hot or cold chatter from other students outside etc or internal coming from within your audience a person may have a toothache another listener can be worried about a test or another can be in a breakup with her boyfriend to listeners 13 situation the time and place in which speech communication occurs 14 ethnocentrism the belief that one s own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures CH 2 Ethics and Public Speaking Types of Plagiarism as one s own o 1 Global Plagiarism Plagiarism means presenting another person s language or ideas Stealing your speech entirely from another source and passing it off as your own o 2 Patchwork Plagiarism Occurs when a speaker pilfers from 2 or 3 sources o 3 Incremental Plagiarism Occurs when the speaker fails to give credit for particular parts increments of the speech that are borrowed from other people The most important of these increments are quotations Guidelines for Ethical Listening and paraphrases 1 Listen courteously and attentively 2 Avoid prejudging the speaker 3 Maintain the free and open expression of ideas Key Terms 1 Ethics the branch or philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs 2 Ethical decisions south ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards or guidelines 3 Name calling the use of language to defame demean or degrade individuals or groups 4 Bill of Rights the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution 5 Plagiarism presenting another person s language or ideas as own s own 6 Global plagiarism stealing an entire speech from a single source and passing it off as one s own 7 Patchwork plagiarism stealing ideas or language from wo or three sources and passing them off as one s own 8 Incremental plagiarism occurs when the speaker fails to give credit for particular parts increments of the speech that are borrowed from other people 9 Paraphrase to restate or summarize an author s ideas in one s own words CH 4 Giving Your First Speech Key Terms 1 Ice breaker speech a speech early in the term designed to get students speaking in front of the class as soon as possible 2 introduction the opening section of a speech 3 body the main section of a speech 4 chronological order a method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern 5 topical order a method of speech organization which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics 6 main points the major points developed in the body of a speech 7 transition a word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one though and is moving on to another 8 conclusion the final section of a speech 9 extemporaneous speech a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes 10 gestures motions of a speaker s hands or arms during a speech 11 eye contact direct visual contact with the eyes of another person CH 5 Selecting a Topic and a Purpose Choosing a Topic First step in speechmaking Start early There are 2 broad categories of potential topics for your speeches o 1 Topics you know a lot about o 2 Topics you want to know more about Brainstorming for Topics o 1 Personal inventory make a quick inventory of your experiences interests hobbies skills beliefs and so forth from this list may come a general subject area out of which you can fashion a specific topic take a sheet of paper divide it into 9 columns then list in each column the first 4 or 5 things that come to mind o 2 Clustering o 2 Internet Search browse through a subject based Website for topics Specific Purpose A single infinite phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech ex to inform my audience of three ways to prevent a hangover tips for formulating

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LSU CMST 2060 - The communication channel

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