Persuasive speeches and Fallacies Finals Notes CMST 2060 3 11 13 Difference between an informative speech and a persuasive speech The attitude that the audience takes and what preexisting beliefs they bring to the situation Problem solution informative speech Problem cause solution persuasive speech They have to have some resistance to the topic Need a little bit of force on your side Steps in constructing a persuasive speech 1 Come up with a harm a Harm what is happening describe the situation b Why is that bad Use an ethical theory what tell you whether something is good or bad apply an ethical theory c This is an easy step if you pay attention d Hold back from what kind of change you want to see in the world just think about what sucks that s all 2 Answer the Inherency question Inherency Question Why is the harm not solved yet Why does the harm continue to exist a Can be used from small to big b Brings you awareness of what actually needs to be changed in order to fix situation c Reveals little problems underneath your big problem the 3 Craft a solution write a policy proposition You don t understand the problem unless you actually understand what s causing it You have to go through this process no matter what type of problem you have whether it be a teacher or parents etc Policy proposition subject of sentence should verb object Can add modifiers after if want Needs to be a complete sentence Should is the most important word If you don t have the word should it is not a policy preposition Ex Police should stop violence 4 Show how your solution solves the problem solvency Pretend that your solution is put into action Show the future with the problem going away Ex Abortion should be banned Solvency Pretend that Row vs Wade goes away and step by step show the world changing in the future Solvency is showing the future each step along the way and showing the problem going away Main points of a persuasive speech 1 Harm not difficult at all 2 Inherency the hardest step in the process plan to spend most of your time here 3 Solvency What speech looks like Introduction hook thesis policy proposition preview More detailed Intro Body hook thesis preview Harm Inherency Solvency Conclusion Review Thesis once more Return to the hook Example time TOPIC Childhood Obesity Harm A Childhood obesity exists B Taxes the health care system C Less productive D Early death Inherency Why are kids still fat A Fast food tastes good and is cheap B No regulation C More sedentary lifestyle lots of entertainment without exercise D Picking up bad habits from their parents Thesis Putting regulation into the fast food industry Solvency Pretend fast food is now regulated and show us the future The more specific you get in your thesis the more specific your solvency will be and the more effective you will be at treating this problem What Dr Leslie is looking for Six sources for 1st and 2nd Citing the same way 2 sources print published and everything else 1 Print published Name of the source and when it was published 3 Everything else 1 how to locate the source and 2 when the source was last updated and 3 How the source is credible do this before you use the source Rhetorical Proofs Logos language logic arguments Ethos credibility trust worthiness good will expertise as judged by the argument Pathos the use of emotion to persuade people Mirror neurons Do 2 things at the same time 1 Feel that emotion 2 Recognize that emotion in other people Use this to induce emotional contagion How do emotions spread 1 Face Number of unique recognizable facial expressions 100 000 BASIC EMOTIONS Sadness Anger Disgust Fear Interest intrigue Surprise Happy to create more emotions have to combine them Ex Horror is a combination of disgust and fear 2 Voice Almost as powerful as the face at conveying emotions 3 The body arms legs 4 Words Recall emotional episodes or Role play a scenario Use emotions to induce sympathy 1 A person who feels sympathy must have knowledge that there is someone else who is feeling suffering 2 The person who is suffering does not want to suffer If you re dealing with someone who wants pain need to use pity not sympathy like if your like I don t want to feel better right now 3 The person who feels sympathy must know how to help Lowest motivation level is sadness Think of it as a step away from being depressed When you re depressed you don t want to do anything Ex Sarah McGlockin ASPCA commercial is not effective at all Highest motivation is anger Ex Road rage engage in risk 3 15 Fallacy Error in reasoning Think of them as counterfeit arguments Deductive Arguments aka FORMAL FALLACIES 1 Denying the antecedent an antecedent does not include if or then Modus tollens P1 If a unicorn farts P1 Then there s a rainbow P2 A unicorn didn t fart Conclusion There s no rainbow 2 Affirming the Consequent Modus Ponens P1 P2 There s a rainbow Conclusion The unicorn farted 3 Affirming a disjunct Disjunctive syllogism P1 Either you give me money or bad things will happen P2 You give me money Conclusion Bad things didn t happen Inductive Arguments aka INFORMAL FALLACIES How they psychologically operate on people Appeal to popularity This argument justifies a claim on the fact that many people perhaps a majority believe that the claim is true Ex If everyone jumped off a bridge would you Yes if friends are smart if safe Appeal to the unqualified authority This argument functions like appeal authority except that in this case the credibility of the arguer is not relevant to the claim Credibility is used as evidence Appeal to tradition This argument justifies a claim on the fact that it has been accepted for a long time Why has it been accepted trial and error before non fallacy territory test of time Appeal to ignorance This argument attempts to prove something wrong smoking tobacco causes cancer Fallacy that is not true because there is no evidence of it too far with lack of evidence to claim that Strawman 1 An original argument is made 2 The person who makes the fallacy restates the original argument in such a way that he she distorts it and makes it easier to defeat 3 The person who makes the fallacy defeats the weaker version of the argument 4 I win you re wrong The person who makes fallacy declares victory over the original argument RECAP Formal deductive fallacies Denying the antecedent Affirming the consequent Affirming a disjunct Appeal to Informal Inductive fallacies popularity unqualified authority tradition ignorance
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