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Informative Speech Assignment Type Informative Speech must contain the essential characteristics of an informative speech clarity association of new ideas with old ones coherence and motivational appeal Length Speech will be from 5 to 6 minutes Topic Above and beyond all else an informative speech must share information with the audience that they don t already know Pick something that you know about and are interested in enough to research The topic must also be relevant and or interesting to your audience Speech MUST include Introduction that captures the audience s attention establishes your ethos and previews the main ideas of the speech Body with clearly identified main points using sign posts and transition four published sources of techniques You also must include at least supporting material in the speech itself The best speeches will use different kinds of support explanations comparisons examples statistics and testimony Conclusion that provides closure and leaves the audience aware of your central goal DELIVERY Extemporaneous May use note cards but in outline form VISUAL Highly recommended if they are likely to enhance the audience s AIDS understanding or interest Up to 20 seconds of video permitted OUTLINE A word processed outline is due at the time of the speech contains General purpose What you want the speech to accomplish Specific purpose Response you want from audience Thesis statement Sentence summarizing speech Organizational Pattern Spatial Topical Chronological etc Outline of Speech Introduction Body Conclusion see sample outline Bibliography 8 SOURCES MINIMUM PRACTICE Deliver your speech from start to finish without stopping at least three times before you give it in class RECORDING You must make arrangements with a fellow classmate at least one day prior to your speech to record your presentation You may use personal recording devices WRITTEN EVALUATION of your recorded speech Include what you did well what needs improvement and what are your improvement goals for your next speech Prepare a one page double spaced evaluation DRESS APPROPRIATELY Business casual is the required attire No jeans t shirts sweatshirts or hats

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LSU CMST 2060 - Informative Speech Assignment

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