Kelsey Silverstein Wildlife Conservation March 4 2015 READING REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR ENWC 201 EXAM 1 BR Chpt 1 1 Under whose administration did the U S Fish and Wildlife Service come about In the year 1940 Franklin D Roosevelt combined the Bureau of Biological Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries This new agency was to be called the U S Wildlife Service but out of fear that fish would be neglected he added the words Fish and to the new name 2 Which agency administers the commercial fisheries in the U S What cabinet level Department is it in The National Marine Fisheries Service administers the commercial fisheries in the U S This agency falls under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the Department of Commerce 3 Who is credited with the term conservation and who was he The term conservation is credited to Gifford Pinchot He was a forester who served in the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt He felt that the words protection and preservation implied that natural resources should never be touched Pinchot believed that there could be a word where a sustained yield use could be achieved from all natural resources 4 In wildlife management ecological knowledge is applied in what three basic management approaches 1 Preservation when nature is allowed to take its course without human intervention 2 Direct manipulation when animal populations are trapped shot poisoned and stocked and 3 Indirect manipulation when vegetation water or other key components of wildlife habitat are altered 5 Is wildlife management basic science in the sense of physics or chemistry Is it pure technology in the sense of engineering No wildlife management is not basic science in the sense of physics or chemistry It is also not pure technology in the sense of engineering Wildlife management pulls from many fields including zoology botany and mathematics There also must be elements of art most noticeably in the design manipulation and evaluation of habitat Thus wildlife management is both an art and a science 6 Who was Aldo Leopold and what were some of his major accomplishments Aldo Leopold is regarded as the father of wildlife management in the U S He was a professor of forestry at the University of Wisconsin Some of his major accomplishments were the following his report of game populations in eight north central states won an Outdoor Life medal his Game Management textbook completed in 1933 was the first on this topic he cofounded The Wildlife Society and also wrote a collection of essays titled A Sand County Almanac where he spoke of land ethic 7 In general what three step sequence do field biologists follow when investigating a problem 1 They search journals and other scientific literature for parallel situations that may suggest solutions 2 Determine reasons for the difficult using field and or laboratory techniques and 3 Implement and evaluate remedies the latter usually requiring public involvement BR Chpt 4 1 What is the biosphere The biosphere is the part of the Earth that extends from a few hundred meters beneath the surface to several kilometers into the atmosphere is a vast ecosystem in which life flourishes 2 What is the critical link between the nonliving world and essentially all forms of animal life Green plants are the critical link between the nonliving world and essentially all forms of animal life Green plants remove carbon atoms from carbon dioxide Other plants soil bacteria and algae convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitrites and nitrates that are then absorbed by green plants 3 What is primary production The energy incorporated into green plants by photosynthesis 4 What is the second law of thermodynamics and how does it pertain to wildlife The second law of thermodynamics states that the transformation of energy is not 100 percent efficient Some energy is lost as heat So as energy passes from plant to herbivore and from herbivore to carnivore only a small amount of the original energy actually reaches the last link in the food chain 5 What is a general approximation of how much energy is converted from one link to the next in the food chain Ecologists use 10 percent as a rule of thumb for estimating the percentage of energy converted between links in most food chains 6 What happens to energy that is not lost as heat Some of the energy is indigestible some is used for maintenance activities swimming flying feeding and heart action some used for maintenance activities is lost as heat and the rest is used to form eggs 7 What are producers primary consumers and secondary consumers The link in a food chain begins with the producers green plants then goes to the primary consumers herbivores and then goes on to the secondary consumers predators 8 What are the two consequences of the inefficient transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next 1 Less energy is available at each successive trophic level in an ecosystem 2 The length of a food chain is limited 9 What is a range of tolerance for an organism give one example each for plants and animals A range of tolerance for an organism or ecological amplitude is what it lives within for each of the physical and biological components of its environment For example plants have clear limits in their tolerance for salt and those that thrive in tidal marshes or other saline environments are known as halophytes Amphibians have almost no tolerance for salinity because of their eggs and larvae 10 What environmental factors comprise a range of tolerance Steno means narrow range of tolerance and eury means wide So white tailed deer are eurythermal because they tolerate a wide range of temperatures 11 What does the term ecological equivalent mean Give an example Species living in different geographical areas but fulfilling similar roles in their respective communities Ex A species of kangaroos fill a grazing niche in the grasslands of Australia their equivalents are bison in North America 12 What terms are used to define a community in terms of its successional stage A pioneer community is the first step in succession and a climax community is the last stage in the full sequence Primary succession occurs where no community previously existed and secondary succession takes place where there are remnants of a previous community 13 What are two types of mutualism Mutualism is a common type of symbiotic association in which two organisms benefit from each other Some mutualistic associations are required for the survival of
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