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12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Treatment Treatment Stacy Lu Wed Dec 10 21 58 50 CST 2014 Approaches to Treatment Biological Psychosurgery probe slice dissect remove part of brain Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT brief electric shocks to brain treat major depression Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS magnetic fields to change brain activity Deep Brain Stimulation electrically stimulate neurons treat OCD Approaches to Treatment Biological Psychotropic Drugs affect psychological processes state of mind Antipsychotic treat schizophrenic disorders Antidepressants treat some mood disorders Anti Anxiety treat anxiety disorders moderately addictive withdrawal is bad Mood Stabilizers treat bipolar disorder Approaches to Treatment Psychodynamic non directive patient leads therapy designed to gain insight into childhood roots and break through defense mechanisms Approaches to Treatment Psychodynamic Free Association therapist says word phrase idea patient says whatever comes to mind delve into unconscious issues Approaches to Treatment Psychodynamic Dream Analysis interpret dreams to see unconscious mind manifest content actual occurrences in dream symbols of actual meaning of dream latent content meaning of dream Approaches to Treatment Modern Psychodynamic understand patient s past and where they re headed time limited psychotherapy less emphasis on unconscious mind deals with conscious thoughts focus on present prevents being in therapy for years Approaches to Treatment Humanistic goal make people feel free in own choices in control of own lives emphasis on development of potential client centered therapy non directive therapist must be open and honest genuineness unconditional positive regard from therapist https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13195913 note true 1 2 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Treatment therapist has accurate empathic understanding Approaches to Treatment Behavioral directive objective measure of progress therapy plan behavior oriented alleviate behavioral problems does not deal with thoughts Approaches to Treatment Behavioral Contingency Management modify rewards received for actions counter condition unlearn sequence change action reward sequence Approaches to Treatment Behavioral Exposure Treatment expose client to frightening stimulus to reduce extinguish fear response works with phobias Imaginal Exposure repeatedly imagine fear stimulus to reduce response In Vivo Exposure expose to fear in real life Virtual Reality Exposure 3D glasses mimic exposure stimulus feeling of exposure gradually reduce fear response Approaches to Treatment Cognitive goal replace distorted thinking with realistic and adaptive ways of thinking maladaptive thoughts beliefs attitudes control behavior and emotions identify and correct beliefs get rid of beliefs transform role of therapist teacher to consultant Effectiveness of Therapy Cautions with Drug Therapy usually works important therapist characteristics supportive warm involved communicates new perspective ethical important client characteristics self disclosing open motivated to improve believe in effectiveness of therapy therapeutic alliance developed relationship b n therapist and client placebo effect relief experienced may not be because of drugs may be due to expectations high relapse and dropout rates some stop taking drugs especially drugs with sever side effects dosage problems long term risks future symptoms unknown https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 13195913 note true 2 2

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OSU PSYCH 1100H - Treatment

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