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Media Power Culture Lecture Notes Fall 2015 Intro Empower Invest yourself through legal ethical means Media Produce distribute newspapers books magazines movies tv radio online games programs Communication social interaction number of high levels through messages STORY TELLING Culture symbols of expression that individuals groups societies use to make sense of daily life to articulate values Process that delivers values of society through products or other meaning making forms Agenda Setting determine to be major topics of discussion for individual society Media research that says mass media pays attention to particular events issues MWW missing white woman story to follow stereotypes bias of African Americans Katrina new orleans many don t focus on areas nearby affected DOES NOT tell WHAT to think but what TO THINK ABOUT Trump Fool says things others won t Hegemony Acceptance of dominant culture who holds more economic political power Cultivation Effect Idea that heavy TV viewing leads people to perceive reality in ways that are conveyed through TV TV is not real life EX African Americans steal riot violent poor Men superior to women Gays effeminate like women Ethnocentrism Values held by many U S Journalists citizens Judging other countries cultures according to how they live up to imitate American practices Bifurcated Members of society that see stereotype in media into 2 different worlds EX Cosby world no racism in scripted program news frame A A within context of crime drugs Narrowcasting Any specialized electronic programming or media channel aimed at a target audience EX housewives sports Gatekeeper Editors producers other media managers who decide what we should see filter messages for particular audience Audience all those reached by printed matter radio tv motion picture recorded music and internet Anonymous audience the sender doesn t know personally not isolated Heterogeneous Audience made up of a mix of different age sex income education ethnicity race religion etc Communication how we socially interact at a number through messages Mass Communication individual institution uses technology to send messages to a large mixed anonymous audience Group communication 1 person comm with audience of 2 people intrapersonal communication comm you have with yourself how you assign meaning to world around you interpersonal communication between 2 people sender media companies receiver audience decodes message message content created sent channel medium to transmit encode read listen act interact Convergence content business A movement that s forcing the reinvention of business models sometimes threatening the very existence of traditional media integration of mass media computers telecommunications Happens when org share different formats of info for multimedia news Digitalization computer language 1s 0s binary numbers allowed creation of convergence digital world relies on ipods texting FB YouTube Xbox digital natives Telephone 1st consumer medium to digitalize AT T Film 1974 special effects Star Wars Video Games digital from start Digital Recordings CDs 1982 Cable Satellite 1998 converted to digital to offer more channels HDTV 2009 for broadcast industry Print 60s used in final print process to provide traditional formats of books newspapers magazines Media Literacy Understanding media finding reliable sources realizing stereotypes and bias Exists due to conflict about media practices and how they affect us individually as a evolved as response to negatively perceived influences of media society skill that allows us how to actively read media in order to understand messages rather than be blind towards it Understanding ART VS LIFE media literacy Why we use media Surveillance getting news info to learn what s going on in environment Decision makin g gathering info to make decisions Social Cultural Interaction gathering info that defines identifies maintains trends in Diversion using info for entertainment enjoyment Self understanding gaining insight into personal attitudes behaviors group James Potter developed 4 dimensions of Media Literacy media 1 Cognitive dimension Ability to intellectually process information communicated by words on printed page interpret ominous music in film something bad will happen characters in white coats stethoscopes hospital landmarks tells where story takes place 2 Emotional dimension Covers the feelings created by media messages Reacting to scary movies News report of soldier returning home TV books music 3 Aesthetic dimension We become judge jury artistic or critical view point 4 Moral dimension Lesson taught learned to compare Good conquers evil love conquers all good guys wins Books hard soft cover audiotapes digital files E books Readers critical to publishing industry Bibliophiles book lovers who consume 50 books a year casual readers enjoy reading but limits to few books a year required readers must read because of job or studies Illiterates can t read because they never learned Aliterates can read but do not Non Readers Types of Books Trade consists of fiction and nonfiction adults and children s Account for largest share of books sold by publishers Educational include textbooks for elementary secondary college and vocational books Reference dictionaries atlases almanacs encyclopedias Professional occupations related law medicine engineering not intended for general Speciality religious high school and college yearbooks anthologies of cartoons films audience comics etc Tom Clancy futuristic writer just passed away Teri McMillan contemporary writings worked with Whitney Houston Writer For our purpose Publisher company individual who buys manuscripts from authors and turn those manuscripts into books Acquisition Editor point person in deciding which books publishers publish Review Personal committee If acquisition editor doesn t have power to approve they will argue case before panel of marketing business production and administration folks Agent Intermediary between writer publisher makes the deal some publishers won t touch manuscript until it s submitted by an agent 10 Steps in Book Publishing 1 Author submits proposal sample chapters to publisher 2 Publisher buys book author is paid for 1st half of advance 3 Author writes book 4 Book is delivered 5 Author revises manuscript book is accepted and author is paid 2nd half of advance 6 Book enters production cover is designed 7 Author reads corrects it 8 Book is printed distributed to

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KSU JMC 20001 - Media, Power, Culture

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