Physiology Notes EEOB 2520 Exam 1 8 25 15 Four Critical Equations 1 ATP ADP Pi energy a Our currency to spend to get things done 2 Glucose O2 ADP Pi ATP CO2 H 2 O heat a Our job to make the most currency 3 CO2 H 2 O HCO3 H a Aiding transport of a key gas but creating a pH issue 4 PV nRT Homeostasis relatively stable maintenance of a body parameter dynamic constancy Homeostatic control system HCS set of interconnected components keep parameter at a set point SP more like a range or target Steady state SS parameter at SP o System is NOT changing but energy is being used o NOT an equilibrium no change in energy Energy is limited trade offs required Disturbances from Steady State Reactive response feedback 1 Negative opposite of disturbance direction a Return toward SS 2 Positive continue in disturbance direction a Move further from SS Proactive preparation feed forward FF Limits the degree of feedback required Less energy required 8 26 15 Homeostatic Control System Biorhythms Circadian annual lunar Proactive instead of reaction Feed forward Internal trigger clock NOT the environment Set up for survival ADAPTATION genetic change Adjustable within limits ACCLIMATIZATION adjustment to set point Clock reset change in SP environmental Use based make adjustment as needed NOT genetic o Individual change Usually reversible o Exception developmental acclimatization Reflex Arc can be conscious or unconscious Receptor receives stimulus external or internal Afferent Pathway going toward something Integrating Center brain spinal cord CNS endocrine compare to set point If similar done If off need to change leads to efferent pathway Efferent Pathway Effector gets message of what to change Get response as determined by integrating center physiological change Control for HCS via Signals Chemical messengers o Most travel through extracellular fluid Messenger Endocrine hormone Paracrine Released by Gland or neuron Most cells Pathway Plasma Interstitial fluid Neurotransmitter Neuron Interstitial fluid synapse Communicates with Distant effectors Neighbor effectors close communication Next neighbor neuron or effector How can we collapse these three messengers into only two groups Endocrine target cells in one or more distant places in the body Neurotransmitter neuron or effector cell in close proximity to site of neurotransmitter release Paracrine target cells in close proximity to site of release of paracrine substance Special Cases Autocrine pathway interstitial fluid effector releaser Cytokine pathway IF plasma lymph Immune signal Some not based on extracellular fluid Gap Junctions direct channels between adjacent cells never leave the cell Juxtacrines bound to cell membrane not released 8 27 15 Body Organization Cell each has some DNA genetic info o New cells via mitosis o Unspecialized specialized Differentiation o Major Categories 1 Muscle generate mechanical force 2 Nerve works with electrical signals 3 Epithelial interacts with the environment a Defines inside and outside 4 Connective connect anchor and support other cells Tissues groupings of similar specialized cells a Bone fat blood cells o Same 4 Organs combinations of tissues o Vary in proportion and pattern o Some never need epithelial cells o Function unit ex Kidney nephron Smallest portion yet still works by itself Heart is the function unit no back up o Why have function units Redundancy continue to work even if you lose some Heart is important exception Expansion add more without stopping Organ Systems organs with common functions o Circulatory heart blood vessels blood o Organ systems can contain other organ systems Immune WBCs spleen thymus circulatory Extracellular o Fluid Intracellular Fluid cytosol within cells Fluid Compartments 3 1 Extracellular Fluid EC outside cells 2 3 Plasma fluid in blood vessels Interstitial fluid IF between cells Capillary wall cell membrane barriers that limit movement o Matrix mixture of proteins and minerals basic structure cells fit into Functions Provide structure Regulate info transfer Protein types Fibers main ones o Collagen rope like traits o Elastin rubber band like traits Nonfibrous carbohydrate associated dominant Exam 2 9 1 15 Chem Basics Ions have a charge aka Electrolytes Cation net positive Anion net negative Free Radical single electron in the outer orbit Oxidizing removes electron from another antioxidants Our body makes them can oxidize things that shouldn t be in your body Effective against pathogens but indiscriminant Need to be neutralized donors vitamin A D Molecular Bonds Covalent sharing of electrons o Not always equal sharing creates a partial charge o Polar has a charge vs Nonpolar charges equal o Hydrophilic o Lipophobic o Amphipathic both polar and nonpolar ends vs Hydrophobic vs Lipophilic o like dissolves like o Bond strength very strong Noncovalent o Ionic electrical attraction of opposites NaCl Strong without water very weak when in you body aka in presence of water o Hydrogen bonding interaction with bound H o Hydrophobic avoiding water Weak Weak Plasma Membrane Functions Regulates movement in out within Binds chemical messengers Holds cell in extracellular matrix Allows for cells shape and motility Allows for cell cell contact junctions Components in fluid mosaic form Phospholipids main building block o Polar head 2 nonpolar tails amphipathic o Spontaneously form bilayers o Amphipathic high proportion nonpolar o Vesicle formation Cholesterol Proteins o Integral serve as channels receptors and anchors Amphipathic NOT removable many transmembrane o Peripheral impact shape motility Polar Cystolic surface inside Glycocalyx allows for identification and interaction Short branched carbs Gives fuzzy surface 9 2 15 Plasma Membrane cont Junctions for interactions form tissues 1 Gap Junctions channels linking two cytosols a Small so limited exchange b Allow interstitial fluid and intracellular flow 2 Desmosome protein linkage between cells a Spot welds b Allow interstitial fluid flow 3 Tight Junctions joining of plasma membranes a Forms a band around the cell b Blocks flow of either Cellular Metabolic Pathways Energy source ATP adenosine triphosphate o Phosphate bonds are high energy o ATP ADP Pi Energy Equation 1 Making of ATP o Substrate Level Phosphorylation Bound phosphate is transferred to ADP Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Creatine in muscles o Oxidative Phosphorylation electron transport system Energy input allows unbound phosphate to bind to ADP 1 Glycolysis a Start carb
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