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THE SOCHE BUFF S GAZETTE Professors Noh et al 2 GERMS Societal Extinction a b Since the end of the hunting and gathering era the size of the largest society has increased from few hundred to more than a billion and the number of societies in the world decreased from tens of thousands to 200 Major causes of societal extinction 1 Military Conquest 2 Infectious Diseases ranks higher than military conquest more war victims died from disease than from battle ex civil war Infectious Diseases a animal microbes original source for most diseases Ex small pox influenza b epidemics spread quickly in a small population people get affected with germs and get very sick die very fast c acute d immunity but not diplomatic immunity e human diseases f crowd diseases depend upon humans for fuel spread in populated ares 1348 1352 Black Plaque 1492 1778 Near Extermination of Native Americans 95 a b 1492 Hispaniola Columbus defeated 1519 1520 pop declined by 90 Aztecs mostly due to germs Cortes defeated 1532 Inca Pizarro defeated 1540 Mississippians de Soto defeated 1778 Hawaiians Cook defeated c d e 1878 Memphis Yellow Fever 47 000 city population 28 000 fled the city 90 of those who remained were infected most died 1900 Walter reed realized the mosquito was the cause of the yellow fever pease umd edu 1 31 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1918 1919 Influenza Pandemic Spanish flu a single biggest recorded pandemic B 20 of world infected C 40 million died 1959 HIV AIDS a 1926 originated as a mutated monkey virus b 1959 1st case of HIV c 1981 1st case of AIDS d 2007 22 million people have died from AIDS HIV 33 million now infected 55 60 are women b Late 1800 s Germ Theory of Disease a simplest Microscopes 1400s electron microscope 1930s Semmelweis uses antiseptic techniques when relating to childbirth finds this reduces maternal mortality hugely Lister brought about the idea of sterilizing surgical tools before and after surgery Pasteur gains most of the credit for the germ theory Koch won the nob prize for proving the germ theory is true d e c 9 1881 Who Killed President Garfield pease umd edu 1 31 2023

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