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Chapter 14 Treatment of Psychological Disorders 1 Insight Therapy a Awareness of internal motivations b Unconscious conflicts cause problems c Types i Psychodynamic therapy 1 Psychoanalysis 2 Explores childhood events to develop insight into their problems 3 Uncover past traumatic events 4 Gain understanding and awareness of unconscious conflicts and choose healthier behaviors to go forward 5 Techniques a Exploration of early experiences b Free association talking freely about a subject without censoring any thoughts c Dream Analysis interpret the meaning of the dream and the manifest content what it symbolizes Interpretation providing a context meaning or cause for the person s thoughts and behaviors d e Resistance avoid certain topics or issues because of defense mechanisms f Transference the client transfers their feelings for the person with the conflict onto the therapist 6 Disadvantages a Effectiveness b Minimizes patient responsibility c Neglects conscious motives and the present d Fairly costly e Based on untestable theory ii Humanistic Existential therapy 1 Client Centered Therapy an approach that assumes all individuals have a tendency toward growth and that this growth can be facilitated by acceptance and genuine reactions from the therapist a Founded by Carl Rogers i Self Theory ii Self concept and Ideal Self incongruence 1 Ideal self who we want others to see 2 Gestalt Therapy an approach with the goal of helping the client become aware of his her thoughts behaviors experiences and feelings and to own or take responsibility for them a Founded by Fredrick Perls in the 1940s 2 Behavioral Therapy a Assumptions and Goals i Learning principles to change behavior ii Three general procedures Identifying the frequency of the problem behavior Individually tailored treatment 1 2 3 Continual assessment of behavior change iii Does not interpret past events 1 Look to change current behaviors to help people get over problems they are experiences 2 Not looking at the cause of the problem behavior b Behavioral Therapy Methods i Operant Conditioning 1 Basics a Depends on reinforcement a pleasant consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior 2 Token Economy a form of behavior therapy in which clients receive tokens for desirable behaviors and exchange tokens for desired items or privileges 3 Extinction remove reinforcement for undesired behaviors 4 Punishment present an aversive stimulus as a consequence for undesired behavior ii Counterconditioning 1 Basics a Based on principles of classical conditioning b Replacing a maladaptive response with a more adaptive one 2 Systematic Desensitization a Learn to relax b Imagines increasingly vivid scenes of anxiety arousing stimulus c Even more effective with real life exposure 3 Aversive Counterconditioning pairs an unpleasant stimulus with a stimulus that prompts inappropriate behavior iii Cognitive Behavior Therapy a blend of cognitive insight and behavioral therapeutic strategies 1 Change in a person s ways of thinking and in behavior 2 Assumptions a Cognitive activity affects behavior and can be monitored b Behavior changes can be effected through cognitive changes 3 Goal integrate behavior and cognitive therapy 4 Use cognitive restructuring to modify faulty thought patterns iv Biological Theories 1 Drugs and the therapeutic process a Antianxiety Drugs arises b Antidepressant Drugs i Tranquilizers or anxiolytics ii Sedative drugs iii Fast acting that lead to calming effects for a person iv Can calm anxiety within an hour v Highly addictive especially if taken over a vi long period of time If dependence occurs the withdrawal symptoms can be life threatening vii Take antianxiety drugs when the need i Alter levels of specific neurotransmitters in the brain ii Alleviate depression iii Obsessive compulsive disorders eating disorders substance abuse disorders can be reduced by the use of antidepressant drugs iv Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs block reuptake of serotonin 1 Most commonly used 2 Can take up to four weeks to work 3 Side effects diminish a few weeks after treatment v Tricyclics block reuptake of neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine 1 85 rate of effectiveness 2 Take about 4 8 weeks for full effects to be seen Fatal in overdose amounts 3 vi Monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOIs inhibits MAO an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters norepinephrine serotonin dopamine 1 High rates of effectiveness 2 Less frequently proscribed 3 Can have serious side effects a Cheese Effect low blood pressure 4 Restrictive diets c Antimania Drugs used to treat bipolar disorder i Lithium Carbonate first drug approved by FDA used to treat bipolar disorder 1 Influences neurotransmitters in the brain 2 High effectiveness sometimes 90 3 Side effect many people have variations in how their body absorbs lithium a Quick absorption small amount d Antipsychotic drugs neuroleptics used to treat schizophrenia several types i Long term use is associated with Tardive dyskinesia 1 Disorder of the central nervous 2 system Involuntary spasmodic movements e Herbal and Natural Products i Not considered medications by regulatory agencies but nutritional supplements f Treatment effectiveness i Treatment illusions 1 Natural improvement tendency to seek out treatment when one is at his or her lowest point and there is nowhere else but up to go from that point a Regression to the mean b Could have seen an improvement without the treatment 2 Nonspecific treatment having someone to talk to about his or her problem makes him or her feel better a Placebo effects 3 Reconstructive memory 2 Psychosurgery surgical destruction of specific brain areas brain surgery a Negatives results are unpredictable and consequences are irreversible 3 Electroconvulsive therapy electrical current applied to the brain to produce a seizure a Effective in short term treatment if severe depression 4 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation placing a powerful pulsed magnet over a person s scalp which alters neuronal activity in the brain a Fewer side effects than ECT 5 Phototherapy a treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder that involves repeated exposure to bright light a Increases melatonin 6 Virtual Reality Therapy physiological movements in order to help treat disorders a Anxiety disorders b Wrap around goggles playing game in order to help reduce anxiety or fear for objects

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