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17 04 2015 02 30 00 Review Sheet Final Exam Indo European Folktales 2081 First Third of the Semester Folklore common knowledge spread thru informal means Functions of folklore Address fears taboos Entertain Teach a lesson Provide escape Folktale genres Fable Didactic Function Situations from Daily Life Historical and Geographical Location Fable Collections Aeosp 6th century BCE Panchantra compiled b w first and six centuries CE Tales Jataka tales Buddha Jean de la Fontaine 1621 1695 245 fables in 12 books of Bidpai Jest Myth Magic Tale Legend still recorded Urban fears and preconceptions Migratory Folk culture and Pop culture stories beliefs customs that speak to us Indo European broad geographical grouping we have what was William Jones Sanskrit studies in 18th century Proto Indo European first I E Common features of Origin tales Supernatural figures Religions may overlap Explanation of landscape and forces of nature Common Features of Miracle Tales Based on religion to promote faith in that religion Teach a moral principle power Frau Holle hard work St George martyr in Palestine Red cross symbol Most famous version golden legend Curses usually irrevocable to avoid curse you must appeal to higher Spinning Importance of spinning well meant good character Golem artificial creature created to serve his creator Rabbi Loew created golem to protect Jewish community Homunculus mini human being Fairies supernatural creatures animism Demons supernatural but evil Animism supernatural powers Witches characteristics Vampires souls from purgatory Vlad Tepes Dracula Romanian prince Elizabeth Bathory Slovak Countess Alesandr Afanasyev 1826 1871 studied Shapeshifting Familiars Toads owls cats Witches Sabbath gatherings Witch Hunts legally sanctioned in middle ages improper decomposition Socio historical reasons for vampire lore Bubonic plague Jacob Grimm 1785 1863 Wilhelm Grimm 1786 1859 Kinder und Hausm rchen 1812 15 Childhood and Household tales Grimms contributions 3 Folk narrative and academic study Methodological statements Socio political implications Precursors to Grimms Giovan Franceso Straparola name means the stutterer and the father of the European fairy tale 1480 1632 o The Pleasant Nights 1550 53 Giambattista Basile 1575 1632 o Pentamerone 1634 36 Charles Perrault 1628 1703 Thomas Percy o Relics of Ancient English Poetry 1765 James MacPherson o Poems of Ossian 1765 o Histoires ou contes du temps pass avec des moralit s Tales of Times Past with Morals 1697 Johann Gottfried Herder 1744 1803 o Fragments on the New German Literature 1767 8 o Volkspoesie poetry of the people Solar Mythology Max Mueller Theodor Benfy all tales come from India Monogenesis all tales start from one location Polygenesis tales have different origins Historical Geographical School urform original form type collection of motifs motif diffusion motifeme allomotif variant redaction subtype oikotype Formalism Vladimir Propp Structuralism Claude Levi Strauss Morphology of the Folktale 1928 narrative functions 31 that dealt with the movement of functions from conflict resolution function dramatis personae 7 morphology o binary opposition male female nature culture Meaning most predominant school Wilhelm Wundt o Folk Psychology 1900 1909 Sigmund Freud 1865 1939 childhood affects sexual development Stages of early infantile sexual development oral anal phallic Oedipal complex threat of the father Electra complex female version of oedipal complex The Uses of Enchantment 1976 latency genital Bruno Bettelheim Karl Jung 1875 1961 Children at Risk Possible reasons Archetypes Collective Unconscious poverty sexual competition physical difference wrong genes gender Pater Familias Roman structure Rights to all property power of life and death cant rebel Oblation presented or offered to a god Apprenticeship system of training Jeptha s Daughter father sells daughter for personal well being Second Third of the Semester Spinning Tales two kinds reflects division of labor Industrial Revolution Boys to Men characteristics pattern of tales boy exiled finds new social structure often has mentor requirements character traits for coming of age courage independence strength Animal Bride and Bridegroom tales wishes in animal bridegroom tales lessons found in animal bridegroom tales marriages capture purchase arranged common structures in animal bride tales 2 husband gains power by theft force swan maidens husband forced to marry bride proves worthy removal of skin transformation from beast to man 2 wife s love changes them burning of the skin typical plot structure in ABG tales Abandoned Women Tales ending not all end happily patriarchy woman must prove herself worthy not the man female anxiety marriage reflects complete loss of power subversion complicity undermine comply David Gilmore Manhood in the Making 1991 womanhood defined biologically manhood defined by social roles enforcer protector Power and Morals Friedrich Nietzsche relationship power and morals Genealogy of Morals 1888 morals are not absolute change over time Resignation Tales power trumps morals responses to power socio historical reasons for the tales o represent human power structure Trickster Tales Til Eulenspiegel Folk Hero Pictures for illiterate many disguises anger bargain causes master to be angry then pain to subvert power folk hero function of trickster tales chapbook features of trickster tales power dynamic reversal episodic no character development features of tricksters visibly different attitude disrespectful obscene Last Third of the Semester Fools Anthropologists Franz Boaz Robert Lowie celebrations saturnalia feast of fools mummer s parade jester function of Fools entertainment agents of social change Wife Beaters continuum of violence Haakon Grizzlebeard to Bluebeard o Husbands never punished unless they murder o Husband s right to authority never questioned o Marriage is a power relationship success husband in power jests use of nature to justify domination Bull donkey husbandman Language of the beasts Lark and the Taming of Women Bluebeards husbands crossing the line historical models Cunmar the Accursed 5th cent CE killed wives after they became pregnant cut off Triphines head she returns and gives birth Gilles de Rais 1401 1440 turned to dark magic to regain fortune 140 murders led to his real arrest common features of oral based Bluebeard tales weak absent bride s father gives object to wife to test loyalty forbidden room contains dead wives she

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