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Indo European Folktales Giants In Denmark There have to be giants because of all these caves and huge stones Flood knocked them out Frau Holle Stone Stones have furrows because this lady cried Druidical Circles and Monoliths Sacred stone was taken from its place to hold a door for cattle and then bad things happened and then the farmer returned it to the normal spot everything is good Bomere Pool People were bad to God and worshipped other people Priest tried to prevent it they didn t care Then village got flooded Origin of Tis Lake Troll didn t like pious people ringing their bells in his town so he went to another land Traveller was walking by his land and is from the same place as he and then gave him a letter saying to to open Man got curious and opened it along the way in a meadow and water came out God made sure it opened in a meadow to protect his people Origin of the Wrekin Troll didn t like a guy so he wanted to use some earth in his pocket to dam up a river and flood guy s place Later along the way he met a cobbler asked how to get there cobbler didn t want to lose business so he said the place is too far so the troll got tired and decided to drop his load right there Moses and El Khudr Guy is trouble so God sends him on a journey with a man Man tells him not to question anything being done Guide steals from first host gives to second and then kills third Guy ends up questioning what happened and then gets troubled and guide says he did everything good First was stingy second skinflint third is a murderer Mar Jiryis and the Dragon Dragon was at the fountain where the inhabitants got water so to use they sacrificed a girl finally only the princess was left to sacrifice A man came and rescued her Mar Jiryis and then they got married and lived happily As Many Children as There are Days in the Year A Countess got mad at a lady for having twins because it meant that she is skank and sleeps around Since her children had two kids But then the lady cursed her and when Countess gave birth to 365 babies Then the next day mom and kids died Woman Who Had No Shadow Women didn t want children witch gave her a spell to make this work Her husband found out and got angry saying God would never forgive her and only forgive her after flowers blossom on roof Then they divorced husband and wife broke up and then wife died And god forgave her since flowers blossomed on roof Flourishing Staff Priest didn t want to forgive man said only if my staff flourished It did the other man stopped Jewish persecution Testimony of the Dead People wanted to hurt Jews so they kidnapped and killed the governor s son and then blamed the Jews Governor decided to take revenge but then a Rabbi did intense praying and brought the son back to life and the son said who killed him Son died again Story of the Grateful Dead Man had son kept him sheltered and then the kid helped someone and was blessed The Golem Figure made by human Friday Lady fell asleep doing her work so she got in trouble and hurt and then apologized and Mother Friday forgave her and let her be Frau Holle and the Distaff Two sisters one hardworking the other not Hardworking was rewarded with gold silk other got straw Frau Holla and the Peasant FH asked a man to cut wood he did she told him to keep the shavings he only took a few When he went home they turned into gold When he came back all the shavings were gold Frau Holle Two sisters ugly lazy industrious pretty mother favored former Good one got hurt and then went on an adventure met Frau Holle who is nice to her then she got gold Mother wanted other sister to get fortune so she tried but instead she got covered in pitch Prilling and Pralling is Dead Man was told to saw something He did and then got a mug Mally Dixon Somebody said someone s sister is dead The Demon in the Tree Man wanted to cut down tree because people would stand in it s shade and destroy his vegetable garden Demon came by and said he would give 3 gold dinars if man didn t cut Many became rich and then lost his sons and slaves Then he tried to cut tree and was told he would be killed After that he asked council who said he should just sell everything and then cut down tree Man did and the devil tried to tempt again but he denied and then prospered so much with the land he has Water Demons Man was told not to get gold at bottom of water by demon He listened left and then went back and heart and lungs floated to surface because demon hurt him Wod the Wild Huntsmen Man beat Huntsmen and was rewarded Later reward turned into Gold and Silver The Night Huntsman at the Udarser Mill Huntsman was desirbed to be seen by worker Worker found a leg and then buried it Two Eyes Too Many Maid wanted to see how her boss cooked so well and quickly found out it is the devil She told everyone and then the devil took her Witch of Treva Husband didn t believe wife was a witch so she disappeared and then haunted people Girl Who Transformed Herself Into a Hare A girl got the power of transformation from her grandmom s ancient broach She decides to change to a hare gets caught says she won t do it anymore and then does it again so she can visit her fianc He hurts her unknowingly and then breaks up with her and she remains lame for the rest of her life Ridden by a Witch Guy was hating on witches witches attack him Man talks to his stove about it wife overhears reports witch and then witch gets burned Werewolf of Jarnitz Werewolf can t get hurt by bullets and then silver bullets are introduced so he gets scared away The Shroud Bunch of lazy girls were hanging out together then one of them did a dare to get a shroud from a corpse then she is haunted When they have exorcism the goddess came and took her The Coffin Lid Man saw corpse leaving his coffin corpse came back and man asked what he did Corpse said he killed two kids man said he would only give the lid to the coffin back if told how to revive the kids He learned but then tried to help the kids and he did but the townspeople felt he did the original murder and got mad at him He said the truth they all killed the corpse The Two Corpses Man goes into a forest and …

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