Chapter 11 Development Developmental psychology span Prenatality A Womb with a View study of continuity and change across the life fertilized egg that contains chromosomes from both egg and sperm period that lasts from 2 8th week 2 week period that begins at conception Zygote Germinal stage Embryonic stage Fetal stage Myelination Teratogens Fetal alcohol syndrome FAS heavy alcohol use by the mother during pregnancy period that lasts from 9th week until birth formation of fatty sheath around axons of neuron agents that impair development developmental disorder that stems from Infancy and Childhood Becoming a Person Infancy months patters of sensory stimulation Motor development Reflexes o Rooting reflex object that touches their cheek o Sucking reflex Cephalocaudal rule top to bottom sequence from head to feet in sequence from center to periphery Proximosdistal rule inside to outside Cognitive development Piaget s 4 stages stage of development that begins at birth and last between 18 24 emergence of ability to execute physical actions specific patter of motor response that are triggered by specific tendency for infants to move mouths towards any tendency to suck any object that enters mouth tendency for motor skills to emerge in tendency for motor skills to emerge emergence of ability to think and understand period of development that begins at birth and lasts theories about the way the world works infants apply schemas in novel situations infants revise schemas in light of new info belief that object exist even when they are not 1 Sensorimotor through infancy o Schemas o Assimilation o Accommodation o Object permanence visible 2 Preoperational stage stage of cognitive development that begins at 2 years and ends at about 6 years during which children develop a preliminary understanding of the physical world o Childhood period that begins at 18 24 months and lasts until 11 tendency to focus on just one property of an object to 14 years exclusion of all others o Centration 3 Concrete operational stage o Reversibility stage of cognitive development that begins at about 6 years and ends at about 11 years during which children learn how actions or operations can transform the concrete objects of the physical world o Conservation are invariant despite change in the object s appearance notion that the quantitative properties of an object 4 Formal operational stage begins at age 11 during which children learn to reason about abstract concepts final stage of cognitive development that failure to understand that the world appears differently to understanding that other people s mental representations Egocentrism different people Theory of mind guide their behavior o Autism deaf children whose parents don t know sign language o Number of siblings frequency of pretend play imaginary companions socioeconomic status of the child s family language 3 skills for learning o Joint attention o Imitation Over imitation ability to focus on what another person is focused on tendency to do what an adult does intends to do o Social referencing about how we should think of the world using another person s reactions as information behavioral test used to determine a child s attachment Strange situation style o Secure caregiver leaves and infant is distressed or not and when they return if they are non distressed they will acknowledge their caregiver and if they are distressed they are calmed by them infant distressed infant refuses attempt to calm no consistent pattern of response infant not distressed not acknowledged when returns o Avoidant o Ambivalent o Disorganize characteristic patterns of emotional reactivity set of beliefs about self primary Temperaments Internal working model of relationships caregiver and relationship between them Piaget s moral thinking 1 Realism to relativism 2 Prescriptions to principles 3 Outcomes to intentions Kohlberg s stages 1 Preconventional stage stage of moral development in which the morality of an action is primarily determined by its consequences for the action of an action is primarily determined by the extent to which it conforms to social rules stage of moral development in which the morality 2 Conventional stage 3 Postconventional stage morality of an action is determined by a set of general principles that reflect core values stage of moral development in which the Moral intuitionist perspective we have evolved to react emotionally to a small family of events that are particularly relevant to reproduction and survival Adolescence Minding the Gap Adolescence Puberty Primary sex characteristics bodily changes associated with sexual maturity period of development that begins with the onset of sexual maturity 11 14 years and last until the beginning of adulthood 18 21 years reproduction Secondary sex characteristics with sexual maturity but are not directly involved with reproduction bodily structures directly involved in bodily structures that change dramatically Adulthood Change We Can t Believe In Adulthood stage of development that begins around 18 21 years and ends at death Socioemotional selectivity theory toward acquisition of information that will be useful to them in the future while older adults are generally orientated toward information that brings emotional satisfaction in the present younger adults are largely orientated Married people live longer have more frequent sex and earn several times as much money as unmarried people
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