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Reinforce successive approximations of targeted behavior hint the dog getting a beer from the fridge Shaping If reinforcement stops for long enough the behavior may stop too Extinction The food presented to Pavlov s dogs Unconditioned Stimulus The bobo doll experiment is an example of Observational Learning Someone who once associated the dentist with a painful experience no longer associating the dentist with pain anymore Extinction Typically how old are children when they speak their first words 10 12 months of age A stimulus that does not produce reliable change Neutral Stimulus Storage that holds non sensory information for more than a few seconds but less than a minute Short term memory The process of keeping information in STM by mentally repeating it Rehearsal Actively relating new information to knowledge that is already in memory Elaborative Encoding What is the capacity of Short term memory 7 items 2 That queasy feeling you get when you drive by McDonald s after that one night of partying too much Conditioned Response Three key functions of memory Encoding Storage Retrieval UCS Duff Beer UCR Salivation CS Billboard CR Salivation What is the Neutral Stimulus Billboard Little Albert was taught to fear white rats now he fears anything white This is the process known as Generalization An operant conditioning principle in which the delivery of reinforcement is based on a particular average number of responses Variable Ratio Schedule Theory of language development that argues that language is innate Nativist Theory Every time Penny acts in a way that Sheldon approves of he gives her a piece of chocolate This is an example of Positive Reinforcement Who is associated with Operant Conditioning B F Skinner Define Negative Punishment Something is taken away to decrease behavior Seatbelt Alarm is an example of what Negative Reinforcer Buy 10 cups of coffee get the 11th free is an example of Fixed Ratio Schedule An operant conditioning principle in which behavior is reinforced based on an average time that has expired since the last reinforcement Variable Interval The smallest unit of sound that is recognizable as speech rather than random Schedule noise Phoneme Brian was involved in a car accident experienced injury to his brain As a result Brian has problems with producing language He is most likely experiencing aphasia located in Broca s Area or Wernicke s Area The meaning of a sentence Deep Structure This type of reinforcement is much more resistant to extinction than continuous reinforcement Intermittent Reinforcement The inability to transfer new information from STM to LTM or make new memories is called what Anterograde Amnesia An operant conditioning principle in which reinforcements are presented at fixed time periods provided that the appropriate response is made Fixed Interval Schedule Working Memory STM component associated with actively manipulating maintaining info Children can map a word onto a concept after one exposure Fast Mapping 1 The study participants featured in The Memory Pill video presented in class on Tuesday suffered from a Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD b Depression c Severe anxiety d Bipolar disorder 2 Memory does not decay True False 3 When memory recall is easy learning is high True False 4 Which of the following is NOT true regarding memory a Learning depends on content b Memories cannot be altered during recall c Memory needs to be reloaded d Learning is under your control 5 Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 stages of memory 6 Storage is the process by which we transform what we perceive think or feel into an enduring memory True False 7 The act of categorizing information by noticing relationships among a series 8 Actively relating new information to knowledge that is already in memory is a Encoding b Storage c Reception d Retrieval of items is called a Visual imagery encoding b Organizational encoding c Elaborative encoding d Categorical encoding known as a Elaborative encoding b Visual imagery encoding c Additional encoding d Active encoding echoic memory True False 9 The two major types of sensory memory storage are iconic memory and 10 Short term memory is where non sensory information is kept for more than a few seconds but less than a minute True False 11 can hold information over lengthy periods of time memory refers to the unlimited capacity memory store that Quiz 3 1 Classical conditioning occurs when a neutral stimulus evokes a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally evokes a response True False 2 A reflexive reaction that is reliably elicited by an unconditioned stimulus is a Short term b Long term c Working d Semantic called a an a Unconditioned stimulus b Conditioned stimulus c Unconditioned response d Conditioned response 3 The gradual elimination of a learned response CR that occurs when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented is called a Acquisition b Extinction c Generalization d Discrimination 4 The Law of Effect states that behaviors that are followed by a satisfying state of affairs tend to not be repeated and those that produce an unpleasant state of affairs are more likely to be repeated True False 5 Any stimulus or event that decreases the likelihood of the behavior that led to it is called a a Reinforcer b Punisher c Discriminator d Shaper 6 Learning that takes place largely independent of awareness of both the process and the products of information acquisition is called a Episodic learning b Observational learning c Operational learning d Implicit learning 7 Humans are not intermittently reinforced True False 8 Getting a good grade after studying for a test will increase the likelihood that someone will study for the next test This is an example of a Positive reinforcement b Negative reinforcement c Positive punishment d Negative punishment 9 Second order conditioning occurs when the unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that acquired its ability to produce learning from an earlier procedure in which it was a conditioned stimulus True False 10 The tendency of a learned behavior to recover from extinction after a rest period is called a Spontaneous recovery b Second order conditioning c Acquisition d Learned recall 11 Learning is an experience that results in a relatively permanent change in the state of the learners True False

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