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Heather Finkelstein 9 12 13 US Expansion Empire and Race part 1 World s Columbian Exposition Racial Ideology in the late nineteenth century Frederick Jackson Turner 1893 Speech 1890 Census 1870s 1890s economic depressions US expansion beyond borders Wasn t just about economics Took control based on racial preferences Racial thinking provided justification for colonization 1893 World s Columbian Expostion o White City Grand buildings House very fine museums Designed to highlight specific values such as architecture Prototype of what buildings should be Emphasized principles of balance and like symmetry CIVILIZATION Referred to human organization that was characterized by order and reason Evolutionary philosophy of human history Northern Western industrial Europe and US places to find civilization CIVILIZATION Racial Ideology in the South Racial ideology in the US White City very upscale and beautiful high class Midway bars dirty got to binge drink Racial ideology in the slave system During the period of slavery slaves were known as dependent and they needed someone to tell them what to do where to work and how to do it After the civil war OSHINSKY views of slaves were changed Control of power was changed Racial ideology following the Civil War Shifted and grew out of slavery EMANCIPATION Slavery slave owners had slaves do their labor People who owned land prior to slavery ending had to come up with a new labor system Slaves wanted land to be distributed and wanted social and economic freedom Idea of giving up property to former slaves had issues with this new lifestyle Tried to prevent freed people from taking their land as well as getting their own o Sharecropping worked land that was owned by someone else then paid their rent by giving them a large percentage of the crops had to borrow money for tools and plants so they can do their jobs WERE ALWAYS IN DEBT corrupt o Labor Market black men were excluded from supervisory positions worked mainly as domestic servants o Legal Means Jim Crow Laws literacy tests for voting separate facilities for blacks and whites o Custom traditions of the south made it known that there were different societal classes blacks have to move to the street when a white person was passing on the sidewalk o violence if the blacks did not obey this o Economic self help individual advancement said don t fight the sustem but do the best you can in the system adjust to segregation o Atlanta Compromise 1895 hierarchy Booker T Washington blacks would give up the right to political rights if they gave up economic stability o Tuskegee Institute school for training for a specific job due to political activism violence such as lynching BTW said to not fight to respect them that way we are made preferable and get further and have better economic freedom rather than fighting as a group Plessy v Ferguson 1896 o Legalizes segregation o Reiterated the separate but equal system not truly equal Chinese immigration 1850 1870 single men Early 1870 s Chinese families 1875 Chinese women excluded 1882 Temporary exclusion of Chinese 1902 Permanent exclusion READING WE STILL DID NOT READ Add one point for going to the writing center cant leave papers for last minute www cas udel edu writing center THE BOOK the civil war Interesting perspective on the civil war and after Don t call the books a novel Nonfiction Horrified at the ending Went into a lot of detail about what they did the women and other African Americans Trying to demonstrate how awful they were treating these people Truly believed that they were the superior race Didn t just use violence to set them in their place used it because they believed they could use it because the African Americans deserved it Parchment farm slavery Had no value were just property Slave owners wanted to make sure if they were being punished for a crime it wasn t too much because they needed them for their own personal needs Sharecropping meant they may have been entitled to freedom and independence but they had no work and had to stay in a system that was not in their favor and caused them to be in more debt Overall point of the book highlights in justice African Americans in the South were treated unjustly even after slavery was abolished african americans were viewed as inferior social hierarchy TRYING TO REBUILD IT Oshinsky calls it a caste system instead of a labor system caste system does not have to do with economics hierarchy of social classes JUST LIKE IN INDIA Brahmins and the Untouchables some untouchables are actually really wealthy

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UD HIST 206 - Heather Finkelstein

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