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2 13 15 Lecture 14 Anatomy of the Brain Ventricles 4 o Chambers in the brain o Fluid filled Contain CSF o PV nRT By changing the volume of fluid we change the pressure Increase n amount of fluid increase pressure Most common cause for headaches often times it is a result of being dehydrated Less water less n lower pressure Any change in pressure causes a headache Corpus Callosum o Massive bundle of axons Connects two hemispheres o Communication between the left and right half of the brain o Communicate with axons they are myelinated so that is why it looks like a big white band o If it gets cut people might not be able to make the connection that a round orange object is a basket ball Diencephalon o Figure 6 38 o Di 2 cephalon brain o Thalamus one part of the diencephalon Major relay station of motor control crude sensation Hearing seeing feeling Non specialized use of senses hearing but not necessarily o Hypothalamus understand words Homeostatic regulation links nervous and endocrine systems o Cerebrum diencephalon aka cerebrum thalamus hypothalamus Forebrain Cerebellum o Balance muscle tone coordination o Brainstem key to life If you lose the brain stem then you lose basic function Cardiac Respiration Digestion Swallowing so food doesn t go into lungs and block respiration 2 13 15 Anatomy of the Spinal Cord Figure 6 41 Gray matter afferent glials White Matter o Bidirectional Vomiting coordinates not swallowing so we don t get acid content into lungs o Bone points toward the belly o Outside of spinal cord is white inside is gray o Interneurons cell bodies and dendrites of efferent neurons axons of Dorsal side afferent Ventral side efferent DAVE Signals are sent up on one side and signal are sent down on the Anatomy of the PNS other side Spinal Nerves exit via vertebral column Cranial Nerves exit via skull openings foramen Clustered cell bodies ganglia o NOT nuclei different places Grouped axons nerves o Pathways or tracts Same idea but they have different names because they are in

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OSU EEOB 2520 - Anatomy of the Brain

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