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Media Power Culture Exam Study Guide 1 Foundations LECTURE 1 Convergence refers to the appearance of older media forms on the newest media channels Commonalities across media over time transmission exchange of messages ex gossip means for the transmission exchanges change over time controls over those means what can be transmitted and who can receive the messages also changes over time From societal structures to media effects 5 or 6 box schema within one society 1 Societal structures 2 Media industries Who controls media industries Government religious institutions political parties economic institutions corporations military collaboration with each other 3 Content What is produced News entertainment advertising PSAs 4 Audience What are the classifications of audiences Demographics ethnicity 5 Media Affects What are the outcomes Knowledge attitudes behaviors 6 Outside country influences psychographics etc opinions beliefs Media over the time earliest to newest print industry electronic radio television movies internet 4 conditions that contribute to media affects repetition dramatic representations perceived relevance frame of reference individual collective Models of Mass Communication 1 Linear model sender message mass media channel gatekeeper 2 Cultural model assign diverse meaning to messages receiver Not always get the intended receivers or interpreted as intended Audiences actively interpret messages Media also shape audience through content messages corporations Gather data using content analysis experiments and surveys 3 Social scientific model test hypothesis with measureable data helps test Critiquing Media Study results of both cultural and social science Media researchers understand their limitations view with a critical eye and learn to critique ourselves in methodical disciplined way Critical process description analysis interpretation evaluation engagement Three key questions 1 who decides 2 By what means are the decisions made 3 Who benefits and who does not benefit from these situations DEFINITIONS CHAPTER 1 Mass media industries that create and distribute songs novels newspapers etc to large numbers of people Digital communication images texts and sounds are converted encoded into electronic signals that are then reassembled decoded as a precise reproduction of say a TV picture song etc Media convergence technological merging of content in different mass media High culture good taste higher education and fine art supported by wealthy patrons or donors Low popular culture questionable taste commercial junk Populism tries to appeal to ordinary people by setting up a conflict between the people and the elite Content analysis researchers code and count the content of various types of media Critical process consists of describing analyzing interpreting evaluating and engaging with mass media BOOKS LECTURE 2 Books are the oldest mass medium originate big stories that resonate through other mass media They offer the most in depth knowledge of almost any topic FC History Papyrus from weed 2400 BCE Stories were the first mass communication Parchment treated animal skin Codex first protomodern book not just by Romans Illuminated manuscripts grammar rules Block printing diamond sutra oldest dated block printed book Movable type printing done by hand Evolution of Modern Publishing without influence Printing press first by Gutenberg 1453 As books become mass medium knowledge spreads interpretation on own Tradition challenged 3 Key questions Faster cheaper printing options publishing industry develops Mexico City work printed Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales 1380 first BRITISH not English because of Decameron 1353 first Italian Mexico City first press but not bibles they were exclusive to the priest Paperbacks mid 1800s dime novels and pulp fiction Offset lithography early 1900 lower cost faster production in book Effects of the Oldest Mass Medium forms greater sharing Literacy Fueled major historical developments revolutions rises of democracies new art Primary repository of knowledge stories wisdom history MIA in book correlation of books newspapers and literacy of knowledge science spread of religion Conglomerates media conglomerates Book publishing now dominated by major corporations with ties to international Simon and Schuster Harper Collins Bertelsmann Why worry eliminate distinctive style control production costs and promote independent publishers restrict what that challenges the structure undershell publishers out is published and promotes limit dissemination of society Structure of the Publishing Business Trade books fiction nonfiction other popular writing adult juvenile Professional books law business medicine technical science Textbook elementary vocational college Mass media paperback Instant books topical books published quickly after an event Religious titles Reference books encyclopedias dictionaries atlas almanac University press title scholar works specialized areas Audio books actors authors reading abridged versions download onto iPods since Ebooks portable reading devices market continues to develop boarders hurt by Generate primary revenue from book sales via stores online book clubs mail Publishers may generate additional money via TV movie rights TV promotes books Oprah s book club ideas for TV movies Hunger Games Electronic and Digital Publishing early 2000 missing ebook boom Economics of the Book Industry order Role of Books in Democratic Society Spreading democracy Inspiring to drive change Uncle Tom s cabin silent spring omnivore s dilemma Enabling ideas opinions Challenges social component of reading is declining Physical deterioration Censorship and Banned Books Censorship and book banning in the US People attempt removal over sex themes violence gay race etc DEFINITIONS CHAPTER 2 Papyrus scrolls made from plant reeds Parchment treated animal skin Codex sheets of parchment sewn together along the edge and then bound and covered Illuminated manuscripts books that featured decorative colorful illustrations on each page and that were often made for churches or wealthy clients Block printing technique printers applied sheets of paper to large blocks of inked wood in which they had hand carved a page s worth of characters and illustrations in relief Printing press invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany between 1453 and 1456 Vellum fine calf skin parchment Dime novels introduced by Irwin Beadle in 1860 for five to ten cents Synergy promotion and

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KSU JMC 20001 - Media, Power, Culture Exam

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