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Psychology 101 Fall 2012 Final Exam Study Guide New Material Complete Version Dec 11 This is intended to be a guide only You are responsible for all of the lecture material and assigned reading material Coping with stress 1 What is the relation between social support and health What are the potential mechanisms in this relation Social support has been proven to relieve stress and increase overall health Some of the reasons active relationships help are that they reduce how often people smoke people exercise more eat healthier and sleep better 2 What is the relation between emotional disclosure and health How is this usually studied Having a relationship in which we can express our emotions provides us with better health This is studied by taking people who had lost their spouse to suicide or an accident and asking them about their health Those who had people to talk to about their grief were generally in better health 3 What are the effects of exercise on stress Exercise tends to increase one s health providing people with more energy more positive outlooks on life more self confidence and better ability to deal with stressful events 4 What is the relation between religiosity and health Being religious has a very high likely hood of increasing your lifespan There are some minor obvious reasons such as religious people tend to live healthier life styles but all in all that does not nearly account for the increased life expectancy of religious people Personality the psychoanalytic perspective 5 What is the psychoanalytic perspective of personality The human personality including its emotions and strivings arise from a conflict between impulse and restraint between our aggressive pleasure seeking biological urges and our internalized social control over these urges 6 What is psychoanalysis Freud s theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts the technique used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensionjs 7 According to Freud what is the unconscious A reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts wishes feelings and memories According to modern psychologists information processing of which we are unaware 8 What is psychological determinism What are Freudian slips Psychological determinism is that nothing we do is ever an accident Everything we say and do is based on our subconscious Freudian slips are when we say or do something seemingly by accident but in reality we did it because of something we are feeling thinking or something that is in our subconscious 9 What is free association In psychoanalysis a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind no matter how trivial or embarrassing 10 What are the id ego and superego The three interacting systems of our unconscious The ID contains a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that according to Freud strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives The id operates on the pleasure principle demanding immediate gratification The EGO is the largely conscious executive part of personality that according to Freud mediates among the demands of the id superego and reality the ego operates on the reality principle satisfying the id s desires in ways that will realistically bring pleasure not pain The SUPEREGO is the part of personality that according to Freud represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment the conscience and for future aspirations 11 What is each of Freud s psychosexual stages What happens if an individual gets fixated in any of the stages Freud s psychosexual stages are when throughout our development our id focuses on certain erogenous zones Oral 0 18months pleasure centers on the mouth sucking biting chewing Anal 18 36 months pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination coping with demands for control Phallic 3 6 years pleasure zone is the genitals coping with incestuous sexual feelings Latency 6 puberty dormant sexual feelings Genital puberty on maturation of sexual interests Someone who becomes fixated on a specific stage will become obsessed with the gratification of that zone later into life Someone with an oral fixation might go on to become a smoker 12 What are Freud s defense mechanisms In psychoanalytic theory the ego s protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality 13 What is identification The process by which children incorporate their parents values into their developing superego 14 What is Carl Jung s collective unconscious His concept of a shared inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species history 15 What is Repression 16 What is Regression The basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety arousing thoughts feelings and memories from consciousness A defense mechanism in which an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infantile psychosexual stage where some psychic energy remains fixated 17 What is Denial 18 What is Reaction Formation A defense mechanism by which people refuse to believe or even perceive painful realities A defense mechanism by which the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites Thus people may express feelings that are the opposite of their anxiety arousing unconscious feelings A defense mechanism by which people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others A defense mechanism that offers self justifying explanations in place of the real more threatening unconscious reasons for ones actions A defense mechanism that shifts sexual and aggressive impulses towards a more acceptable or less threatening object or person as when redirecting anger towards a safer outlet 22 What are projective tests What are the Rorschach and TAT A projective test is a personality test such as the Rorschach or TAT that provides ambiguous stimulus designed to trigger projection of one s inner dynamics Rorschach inkblot tests are the most widely used projective test a set of 10 inkblots designed by Hermann Rorschach seeks to identify people s inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots The Thematic Apperception Test or TAT is a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes 23 What is sublimation Sublimation is converting sexual or aggressive impulses into socially acceptable activities 24 What are Neo Freudians 19 What is Projection 20 What is

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