Study Guide Spring 2014 Psych 100 Exam 1 Henry This is a guide You should still review the Power Points your book chapters the videos that were shared in class I will ask 25 questions 4 points each This will help you narrow down your Test Prep for Friday All questions will be pulled from this list Chapters One Two w page numbers from the King Experience Psychology book Autonomic Nervous System p 45 The body system that takes messgaes to and from the body s internal organs monitoring such processes as breathinh heart rate and digestion Behavior p 2 everything we do that can be directly observed Behavioral Approach p 9 an approach to psychology emphasizing the scientific study of obseravable behavioral responses and their environmental determinants Biological Approach p 8 an approach to psychology focusing on the body especially the brain and nervous system Case Study p 18 also called a case history an in depth look at a single individual Central Nervous System p 45 the brain and spinal cord Cerebral Cortex p 64 part of the forebrain the outer layer of the brain responsible for the most complex mental functions such as thinking and planning Chromosomes p 76 In a human cell threadlike structures that come in 23 pairs one member of each pair originating from each parent and that contain DNA Cognitive Approach p 10 an approach to psychology emphasizing the mental processes involved in knowing how we direct our attention perceive remember think and solve problems Correlational Research p 20 research the examines the relationships between variables whose purpose is to examine whether and how two variables change together Critical Thinking p 3 the process of thinking deeply and actively asking questions and evaluating the evidence DNA p 76 a complex molecule in the cells chromosones that cariies genetic information Double Blind Experiment p 26 an experimental design in which neither the experimenter nor the participants are aware of which participants are in the experimental group and which are in the control group until the results are calculated Empirical Method p 4 gaining knowledge through the observation of events the collection of data and logical reasoning Endocrine System p 71 The body system consisting of a set of glands that regulate the activites of certain organs by releasing their chemical products into the bloodstream Evolutionary Approach p 10 an approach to psychology centered around evolutionary ideas like adaptation reproduction and natural section the basis for explaining specific human behavior Experiment p 23 a carefully regulated process in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables that are believed to influence some other variable External Validity p 25 The degree to which an experimental design actually affects the real world issues it is supposed to address Forebrain p 61 The brain largest division and its most forward part Genes p 77 The units of hereditary information consisting of short segments of chromosomes composed of DNA Genotype p 80 a persons genetic heritage his or her actual genetic material Hippocampus p 62 The structure in the limbic system that has a special role in the storage of memories Humanistic Approach p 10 An approach to psychology emphasizing a persons positive qualities the capacity for the positive growth and the freedom to choose ones destiny Hypothesis p 14 a testable prediction logically from a theory Independent Variable p 24 a manipulated experimental factor the variable that the experimenter change to see what it effects Longitudinal design p 22 a special kind of systematic observation used by correctional researchers that involves obtaining measures of the variables of interest in multiple waves over time Myelin Sheath p 49 a layer of fat that encases and insulates most axons Nervous System p 43 the bodies electrochemical communication circuitry Neurons p 47 one of two types of cells in the nervous system neurons that are the nerve cells that handle the information processing function Parasympathetic Nervous System p 46 the part of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body Peripheral Nervous System p 45 the network of nerves that connects the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body Pituitary Gland p 72 a pea sized gland just beneath the hypothalamus that controls growth and regulates other glands Population p 29 the entire group about which the investigator wants to draw conclusions Psychodynamic Approach p 9 an approach to psychology emphasizing unconscious thought the conflict between biological drives and societies demands and early childhood family experiences Psychology p 2 the scientific study of behavior and mental processes Random Sample p 30 a sample that gives every member of the population a chance of being selected Sample p 29 the subset of the population chosen by the investigator for study Science p 2 the use of systematic methods to observe the natural world including human behavior and to draw conclusions Sociocultural Approach p 11 an approach to psychology that examines the influences of social and cultural environments on behavior Somatic Nervous System p 45 the body system consisting of the sensory nerves whose function is to convey information from the skin and muscles to the CNS about conditions such as pain and temperature Stress p 46 the response of individuals to environmental stressors Structuralism p 60 an approach to discovering the basic elements or structures of the mental process Synapses p 51 tiny spaces between neurons the gaps between neurons are called synaptic gaps Theory p 14 a broad idea or set of closely related ideas that attempts to explain observations and to make predictions about future observations
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