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Psychology Review 1 Psycholinguist wrote crippling critique of Skinner s Verbal Behavior and showed that behaviorism cannot account for language learning Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky challenged Skinner s model of language development 2 Part of the Nervous System that consists of the brain spinal cord Central Nervous System 3 Structuralist who wrote Principles of Physiological Psychology focused on analyzing consciousness aka Father of Psychology Wilhelm Wundt after him B F Skinner 4 Behaviorist known for developing operant conditioning with rats in a box that was named 5 Part of the brain in the limbic system that plays central role in many emotional processes 6 Scientist known for Social Learning Theory his famous bobo doll experiment Albert 7 French cognitive psychologist is known for a theory of cognitive development John Pierjay Jean Piaget cognitive errors in children stages of development 8 Leads to positive modifications in behavior Positive Reinforcement 9 Action or physiological change elicited by an unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned 10 Group that reviews research protocols to ensure that they treat human subjects ethically Ethical research Institution Review Board 11 Pituitary gland controls hormonal signals and regulates Stress digestions reproductive Amygdala Bandura response processes 12 Part of the mind that operates outside of awareness Unconscious 13 Scientist conditioned a subject known as Little Albert to fear a white rat in an infamous study John B Watson 14 Inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA 15 Part of the axon with neurotransmitters perception Dendrite 16 The more college student drink on weeknights the less likely they are to show up to class What type of relationship is this Negative correlation Inverse relationship 17 Types of drugs that block receptor sites so that neurotransmitters cannot activate them 18 Structure that covers axons helps in efficiency of transmission of a signal fatty Myelin Antagonists Sheath 19 Method for gaining scientific knowledge on a single individual Case Method case study 20 Ability of a measurement to detect the concrete conditions specified by the operational definition Power 21 Accuracy Reliability Precise Validity 22 Average difference that distribution Standard Deviation 23 Mean Median Mode are measurements of Central Tendency between the measurements in frequency distribution the mean of 24 Technique that is useful for establishing the casual relationship between two variables this causes that Experiment Matched Samples Design 25 In this technique the participants in two groups are identical in terms of a third variable 26 Approach emphasized empiricism dominated the field of psychology in 1910 to 1960 Behaviorism Psychology Mode 2 27 Approach emphasized how the individuals perceive the whole rather than the sums Gestalt 28 Lobe that is associated with higher order thinking Frontal Lobe 29 Find the mean median mode of the following data set 2 2 4 6 8 Mean 4 4 Median 4 30 Pavlov s experiments with dogs are an example of Classical Conditioning 31 Another type of cell in the nervous system that is not a neuron Glial Cell 32 Research design Dr Roberts does a study on bladder shyness in which he hides in a stall and records the time it takes random urinal users to start their business He failed to get this ethically required document from the subject Informed Consent 33 Neurons cells in the nervous system that communicate with one another to perform information processing tasks Cell body part of a neuron that coordinates information processing tasks keeps the cell alive Dendrite part of a neuron that receives information from other neurons relays it to the cell body Axon part of a neuron that transmits information to other neurons muscles or glands Myelin sheath insulating layer of fatty material Glial cells support cells Synapse synaptic gap junction or region between the axon of one neuron the dendrite or cell body of another 34 Sensory neurons receive information from the external world convey this information to the brain via the spinal cord Motor neurons carry signals from the spinal cord to the muscles to produce movement Interneurons connect sensory neurons motor neurons other neurons 35 Goals of Psychology To describe To explain To predict To control 36 Empiricism belief that accurate knowledge of the world requires observation of it 37 Nativism Plato views certain kinds of knowledge are innate inborn 38 Father of Psychology Wilhelm Wundt 39 True or False Neural communication consists of two stages which are induction and remission False Two stages of neural communication consists of conduction and transmission 40 Cognitive psychology type of psychology that deals with mental processing perception 41 Antagonists drugs that block the neurotransmitter 42 Psychoanalysis therapeutic approach that focuses on bringing unconscious material into conscious awareness to better understand psychological disorders Sigmund Freud 43 Functionalism study of the purpose mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their environment William James Structuralism analysis of the most basic elements that constitute the mind consciousness introspection Wilhelm Wundt

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