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Attitudes Attitudes Evaluations of various aspects of the social world affect behavior important basic building block of social thought components Affective Behavioral Cognitive Ex Nazi propaganda anti semitism hatred of Jews increase Behind the enemy powers Jews Ex Political campaigns and advertising wants change in behavior explicit attitudes attitudes we consciously endorse and can easily report I like cats and dogs implicit attitudes attitudes that are involuntary uncontrollable and at times unconscious racial attitudes Functions of Attitudes Identity Self Expression Self Esteem Knowledge Ego Defensive Impression Motivation Attitude Formation Classical Conditioning Pavlov form of learning in which one stimulus initially neutral acquires the capacity to evoke reactions through repeated pairing with another stimulus pair 2 stimuli neutral and nonneutral or conscious works through repeated pairings Ex positive images rate woman more positively vice versa Ex Marlboro Cig Macho cowboy blue or beige pen with pleasant music Operant Conditioning Skinner form of learning in which responses that lead to positive outcomes or that permit avoidance of negative outcomes are strengthened behavior with response to behavior Ex Aloha Week free food and parties participant said positive thing researcher would say good survey students reinforced with good positive rating Observational Learning parents peers favorable unfavorable phobias with modeling Ex have person watch people interact with dogs increase positive Heredity genetically inherited specific attitudes religious and political issues genetically linked raised in environment Twin studies different environments same genetics Ex censorship death penalty liberal Ex how Dopamine and serotonin reacts socialization more friends liberal social attitudes Strength of Attitudes Strong attitudes are Stable More resistant to persuasion attempts Predict behavior better Like it versus love it weak different from strong Resistant to change 1 commitment and 2 embeddedness 1 certain correct 2 more connections to other features would have to change other attitudes too Attitude Behavior Consistency how much do they affect behavior Strong attitudes predict at a reliable rate Factors Increasing Consistency o Strength of attitude influences consistency because Knowledge amount stronger attitude more you know about Direct experience more experience with subject effect pos or neg attitude increase or decrease behavior buy dog or not Personal relevance how it effects you vote on issues that affect you Accessibility of attitude priming increases accessibility more accessible more behavior consistency 1934 La Piere anti Chinese attitude saw if couple served or not over 200 places only refused service 1 time survey asked if they would serve 90 said no attitude not behavior o Low Self Monitoring high changes attitude to fit company low do not adjust stronger consistency o Time Pressure less time have more consistent behaviors are with attitudes act how you feel attitude more time think about norms repercussions o No Situational Constraints socially what are repercussions obligation to family to have big wedding Theory of Planned Behavior theory suggesting that in addition to an attitude toward a given behavior and the subjective norms about it individuals also consider their ability to perform the behavior attitude subjective norms perceived control behavior intention behavior behavioral intention best predictor of behavior not perfect intuitive Pluralistic Ignorance when we collectively misunderstand what attitudes others hold and believe erroneously that others have different attitudes than ourselves all of us are wrong about what other people think and we think they disagree with us how it works misrepresentation of private view social norm misrepresents the prevailing sentiments ex no one asks s think everyone understood no raise hand but everyone is confused ex campus alcohol consumption and sex drink for social binge drinkers increase popular Prentice and Miller 1993 alcohol Study 1 students estimate the typical student is more comfortable with drinking than they are Princeton alcohol integral part 24 7 all social events include Scale 1 to 11 not to comfortable Self Men 6 Women 4 6 Average Men 7 Women 7 Study 2 male internalize perceived social norms more comfortable Women decrease comfort social alienation decrease academics decrease health M 5 6 W 3 1 Persuasion Efforts to change others attitudes through the use of various kinds of messages Macintosh 1984 cool hip product Samsung next big thing Mere Exposure Effect by having seen an object previously but not necessarily remembering having done so attitudes toward an object can become more positive exposed creates a liking for product placement not always sponsored Big Bang Theory Wayne s World Yale Attitude Change Model Who Says What to Whom people more likely to change attitude based on these categories Who Santa wouldn t lie trustworthy source of communication attractive or naked expert similar trustworthy credible others opinions Said What nature of communication 1 fear must be moderate instructions on how to avoid fearful thing fear arousing message Meth Johnson and Goldwater ads 2 not seem like advertisement 3 two sided fair To Whom nature of audience young age good mood stupid moderate self esteem too high don t need too low wont work distract trust decrease cognition defense nagging factor ethics Dual Process Models Elaboration Likelihood Model Heuristic Systematic Model Central Systematic Route systematic processing processing of info in a persuasive message that involves careful consideration of message content and ideas Solar best source clean efficient sun won t run out persuaded Quality of arguments pay attention to Last longer and more resistant to change Peripheral Heuristical Route processing of info in a persuasive message that involves the use of simple rules of thumb or mental shortcuts Expert says expert right believe Not separate continuum somewhere in between Number of arguments length of argument easier to persuade Pay attention to credibility of speaker What determines route motivation personal relevance need for cognition ability cognitive load distract little time Peripheral increased cognitive load Peripheral Ex Senior Comprehensive Exam 1 time how soon immediately or 10 years 2 Speaker expertise high school student or professor 3 Strong argument good poor help people challenge

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Pitt PSY 0105 - Attitudes

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