Astronomy Chapter 1 Astronomy and the Universe Most common gas in the universe hydrogen o 2nd most common is helium Plasma mix of changed particles Saturn icy rings Shiny reflection Galaxy milky way our home galaxy o Partially comprised of clouds of gas o Not visible from cities Asteroids rocks Nebula fog Satellite moons Quasar White dwarfs o Red Supernova SN Black hole BH Planetary nebula Gamma ray buster Sun of all potentially knowledgeable objects and non ex Dark matter o Dark matter takes up 90 of galaxy Solar system ss Sun is a star o Stars are comprised of gas hydrogen Hydrogen fusion nuclear Humans cannot replicate hydrogen fusion as of 2015 Fusion 2 atoms become fused together 2 protons near one another will repel Sun fuses the 2 protons together o Humans could only possibly do this done with extremely high temp ex Of a star Millions of degrees F Cold fusion o Proton proton fusion at much lower temperature o Published un doable work o Impossible Sun surface temp 10000F Planets in order according to sun o Sun 4 rocky planets asteroid belt silicon based 4 gaseous planets o Formed 5 billion years ago o Gas planet too close to the sun would cause it to evaporate Mercury o Gray o Looks like moon o No atmosphere No ATM Sun evaporates it Venus o Orange o Very dense ATM soup o Constantly cloudy o Acid rain sulfuric o Hotter than mercury Greenhouse effect huge Earth E o Atmosphere is very thin o Liquid exclusive to Earth Water 71 of planet o Magnetosphere magnetic feel Generated by Earth s core Liquid core IMPORTANT FOR LIFE Mars o Frozen ice caps o 2 moons Distance between space and earth s atmosphere is 60 miles o 70ish of human body is water Were floating in universe and then captured by mars o Red due to iron oxide o Lost magnetosphere Everything is exposed to solar radiation Solid core Water evaporates Beneath ice it is floating on liquid o Microbes Jupiter o Europa moon Frozen o Gas giant giant cloud Cannot walk on the planet o Red spot Giant hurricane 2 3x size of earth Southern hemisphere o Rings comprised of ice Saturn Uranus o Rings o Tilted at 98 degree angle Summer is at North pole Direct sunlight is at South pole summer is at both poles Winter is at equator Equator is fully frozen Neptune o Blue Kuiper Belt Methane and ammonia smelly o Contains Pluto and other planets o Pluto no longer considered planet because then all of the other areas in the belt would have to be considered planets OORT Cloud o Sphere of gas that marks end of our solar system o Everything at before this point called interplanetary After is called interstellar space NASA Voyager Center of galaxy black hole o Spiral galaxy o SS from Black hole is 26 000 lightyears away o Born of huge cool clouds of hydrogen gas Stars Milky way o Looks like pancake flat o In center is black hole o Galactic plane Clouds of stars Sun is in Milky Way but not in Galactic Plane o Sun is below Galactic Plane o Planets and Sun all on Ecliptic Plane 60 degree angle pointed downwards in relation to Galactic Plane o 400 billion stars in milky way o Solar system age 5 billion years Milk way age 15 billion years o Velocity of Sun around black hole 500 000 miles per hour 230 250 km sec Time for sun to go around black hole 250 million years 1 galactic year o Dinosaurs were around o Humans did not yet exist Cygnus Arm Different Nebula o Crab Nebula is a result of an explosion Supernova Leftover from star High Mass Stars o 1000x mass of our Sun o Size of Miami o Spins 40x per second o Pulsar or BH stellar mass
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