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1 27 15 Chapter 2 Part 2 identify major areas of the brain describe functions distinguish different techniques used to view the living human brain The Nervous System The Brain Behavior Neurophysiology Brain Imaging Central BRAIN 3 4 pounds 3 Separate Areas ex like a flower no one structure is in charge of one specific thing but they re all connections to a pathway that leads to other things Hindbrain The Stem one part of nervous system that developed first vital structures that you must have to function stay alive necessary for survival breathing digesting etc damage to this area leads to comas death etc contains 3 major structures 1 Medulla critical bodily functions first structure of brain after spinal cord looks like a little bulge on stem ex making your heart beat breathing also makes so you can swallow gag reflex reason why if you break your neck you instantly die medulla 2 Cerebellum walking balance like a mini brain packed inside your brain very complex looks like cauliflower lots of wrinkles on surface balance movement it learns how to make you move ex learning how to drive stick shift when concentrate to practice over over to learn it takes in all sensory movement integrates to figure out how to move body to accomplish what you re attempting once you learn can do very easily muscle memory 3 Pons arousal sleep on top of medulla second bulge inhibit too much will fall into coma important for all other things while sleeping dreaming stages of sleep if you don t sleep you will eventually die pons that release chemicals while dream that make you not act out your dreams Midbrain The Center mostly entirely vision primary sense that we rely on if lost lifestyle change ex not like loss of smell because still go throughout day responses movements rather smallest area if you injure it or damage you will have trouble doing everyday things balance walking no coordination 1 Tectum Visual Reflexes these happen at a subconscious level not aware of happening 2 Tegmentum Visual Reflexes 3 Reticular Formation could also go in Hindbrain arousal portion of brain stem that runs right in brain center that runs from the pons but spans across Hindbrain Midbrain if disrupted you would wake up if inhibited you would go to sleep Forebrain The Petals blossomed last largest of 3 areas huge everything else many structures what makes us unique emotions memories personality consciousness awareness of our senses things that make us human feelings also expressive emotions way you feel act from emotions 1 Limbic System emotions remember differences of hippocampus hypothalamus Amygdala fear anxiety means almond shape in charge of many emotions but mostly fear anxiety and also predatory aggression without one cannot remember what kinds of things to be afraid of even if you have hippocampus Hippocampus learning memory swirly thing that goes around everything means seahorse someone thought it resembled one seizures brain infections alcoholics drugs what will get damaged bc its vulnerable sephilitus hippocampus damaged learning memory need to remember relevant meaningful things to us not pointless things ex studying for test make things meaningful not just look at flashcards repeat without one remember anything to certain point no long term memory Hypothalamus body regulation control nervous system glands to sweat hormones what time it is to sleep wake up ex makes you thirsty need to drink gets you ready to fight or flight four F s feeding fighting feeling mating when it s time to menstruate ovulate sexual activity etc 2 Thalamus all sensory information is routed through the thalamus big thing in middle takes visual sends to visual cortex takes touch sends to Somatosensory cortex etc organizes sensory information sends it to specific cortex ex subway cars coming from suburbs Thalamus Grand central station 3 Basal Ganglia movement 4 Cerebral Cortex Cerebrum NOT CEREBELLUM filled wrinkles surface 4 sections so big 3 4 neurons of brain all lobes have one on each side right left of each 1 Frontal Lobe Motor Cortex voluntary movement what you want to move on line of parietal love Prefrontal Cortex in front forehead last area of your brain to fully develop not even done until 25ish used for planning strategy short term memory attention self control restraint think about actions before you do them consequences not even developed until college good excuse for actions 2 Parietal Lobe Somatosensory Cortex all touch information ex processing touch plane person touching you move husband touches you closer 3 Temporal Lobe Auditory Complex sound next to ears convenient 4 Occipital Lobe Visual Cortex all visual information processed in back of brain in back of head when you fall see bright light stars Right Hemisphere Spatial Location to visualize cognitive map that goes with directions knowing where you are in space Faces specialization instantly recognize unique faces read expression on that face Art Music Creativity whole units seeing big picture entire thing as a whole Gestault Left Hemisphere Logic make sense of directions one step at a time Mathematics Verbal Skills most people have dominant left verbal Conscious Awareness of what you see hear how much time has passed 2 halves completely separate from each other Central hemispherical altercations opposites left arm side right hemisphere bridge connects two hemispheres together corpus coliseum how they communicate with each other ex to know what you have in your left hand information has to go through right hemisphere through corpus coliseum know what is in your left hand without corpus coliseum bridge is cut don t know look almost identical but have specializations

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KSU PSYC 11762 - The Nervous System

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