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LIT 2020 Review Stories in Chronological Order Love Dad Joseph Heller Black Comedy Sardonic Wit o Bleak humor Listing o Houses o Who they associate with Juxtaposition Putting two things next to each other to highlight similarities differences o His letter is near the point where he died almost on purpose Old man parallels his father Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut Ethical birth control Suicide houses Speculative fiction Speculating about the future Hypothesizing the future o EX Know which stories are speculative fiction Science fiction Has to have scientific or sci tech advancement EX The New Accelerator CivilWar Land in Bad Decline by George Saunders Paragraph with ghosts in it Verisimilitude Copy becomes Ludacris b c it tries so hard to be like the original We re shown how different things actually are Pinko Judge A Shower of Gold Donald Barthelme not really on exam Existantialism The idea that something is beyond existence Your own actions determine your future Cat organ Absurdity The Appropriation of Cultures by Percival Evertt Performative aspect of race o Expectations Distancing yourself from stereotype South Carolina still had confederate flag during the time it was written o Exploring present problems Nostalgia Sweat by Zora Neal Hurston Satan snake Abusive husband Gender race interacting with each other Passive Women should be passive stop taking laundry Harlem Renaissance worked with Langston Hughes Rattlesnake Lou Lou or the Domestic Life of the Language by Margarot Atwood Needy romantically o Needs poets Built her identity Art vs Craft Distinguishing High art Recitatif by Toni Morrison Recital it s been practiced Talk sing in opera Memory Undermines assumptions b c it makes you be racist o Racial coding Writes stereotypes and you base it off of your own experiences opinions I Stand Here Ironing by Tille Olsen Rocking back and fourth can show instability Ironing an extended memory throughout the entire story for o How to make her daughter normal and straighten out her problems o Read last sentence Wants her daughter to know she is more than what she thinks Monologue One person talking Masculine Confession Nawal Saadawi Narrator mistress Also a monologue o Has trajectory Can be looked at as a cycle When he keeps asking for the wine with ice Double consciousness identity Can be related to Lou Lou b c her identity always seems to change depending who she s with Pierre Menard Author or the Quixnote by Jorge Borges Gender Roles Reliable narrator Verisimilitude Do nQuixote Cervantes Narrator Critical theorist Subjectivity Look at the same thing differently because of the views we already have on something Questions who defines what art is The Garden of Stubborn Cats by Italo Calvino Industrialization problems Environmental Literature o Nature ultimately will triumph Post moderinism Man is disrupting getting into the place of a cat The Vane Sisters by Vladmir Nabokov did panel on this Cynthia and Sybil Teaches French Literature Spirituality comes into play o Metafiction o Unreliable narrator o Advanced Vocab the story starts Heisenburg Principle Narrator has his observation of the word as soon as The Hitchhiking Game by Milan Kundera Role play o Pure innocent shy quiet Idea that sexuality exists on an extreme scale Virgin Whore They both get caught up in the game Multiple perspectives Each chapter goes back in forth between the two o As the story comes to a close the perspectives start to become unclear Heisenburg Principle An observed object acts different when under observation Law of Trancience Nothing is permanent identity isn t permanent we can change our identity every day Pick one character to analyze Their perspective how they interact with other characters are they realistic do they talk directly to us EX I Stand here feels like she s talking to us

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