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MPC Chapters 5 6 Lectures Quiz Chapter 5 Music genres R B Gospel Country Alternative Pop Rap Classical songs artists Beethoven s 5th classical Chuck Berry s Roll over Beethoven rock blues Little Elisa Jane Folk Tune Patsy Cline s Crazy blues Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie Band Ella Fitzgerald jazz Fly me to the Moon Frank Sinatra Clara Ward when the saints Louis Jordan Jazz swing rock n roll hall 5 7 top songs on race charts Elvis Presley cover music of black artists Hound dog don t be cruel all shook up Sam Phillips discovered Johnny Cash Jerry Lewis Carl Perkins and Elvis who covered Otis Big Mama Thorton Carl Perkins Blue Suede Shoes Robert Johnson rock n roll blues country storytelling MJ Billie Jean motown Cover music reason why Elvis is n Rock Hall artists that record work of another Marvelettes Beatles Mr Postman Little Richie Pat Boon Tootie Frooti Rock N Roll Hall in Cleveland b c of DJ Alan Freed Moondog played black music on white stations did not coin rock n roll rock n roll sex symbol Songwriters Make most when a song is sold and played receive copyright 60s British Invasion Beatles Appeared on Ed Sullivan Show TCB opening Taking Care of Business The Supremes Temptations network TV station on NBC 1 record the following week catalogue album re release of old music music buisness defined by how much is made RIAA Recording Industry Association of America top albums 29 million units Mj and Eagles at 1st Shania Twain only woman in top 10 Androgynous appearances made by Elvis Mick Jagger Lil Richie confussing issues of sexuailty Black artists not welcomed during racial atmosphere of 1950s Economic ales Business model creative A R distribute and sale A R Artist repertoire discover sign label s artists responsible for label s product Promotion most important for A R lifeline of label gets music heard played Promoter their job is to put on concerts itunes biggest music sales Sales gets music in stores online Publicity gets media exposure aim is to get on billboard charts Billboard helps increase TV radio and record exposure Intellectual copyright every songwriter needs to get their music copyrighted rotation on music video channels like VH1 BET Royalties Radio Chapter 6 Royalty share of proceeds profit from sales of records on a per record unit basis Artist Royalty Share of record sales proceeds that recording artists receive from record Mechanical Royalty Profit share paid by record company to copyright owner usually songwriter publisher for each record manufactured distributed not just records sold company radio male dominated advantage you can multi focus b c you re just listening passive 1st major invention that shaped radio automobile and small transmitter radios Delilah is the Dear Abbey of radio KDKA 1st radio station Pittsburgh WAKS owned by Clear Channel Kiss FM Ryan Seacrest syndicated morning hrs WZAK WENZ urban KJLH Stevie Wonder s station Kiss KROC rock and WGAR country narrowcasting All radio stations west of Mississippi start with a K FALSE AM Amplitude Modulation volume height of radio waves Everywhere at all times Programing sales engineering promotion primary departments Midday 10AM 3PM Afternoon 3PM 7PM 2nd most important Evening 7PM midnight Overnight Midnight 6 AM cheapest time FM Frequency modulation static free pitch distance between radio waves Internet black squirrel radio satellite sirius XM powerful political tool Ad medium accessible portable strong partnership w music industry records heard on radio sell 1st national electronic medium 6 AM 10 AM drive time prime time for radio

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KSU JMC 20001 - Chapter 5: Music

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