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1 BIO 1110 Week 2 9 3 15 Nutrition How food is digested Mouth mechanical digestion chewing mashing mixing chewing digestion enzymes breaks down polymers into monomers Pasta is a sugar example of hydrolysis Pharynx the beginning process of the chewing also commonly known as the throat Stomach Esophagus the muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach it is the physical digestion it is also the chemical digestion pepsin an active enzyme which begins the chemical digestion of proteins into peptides hydrochloric acid comes from the parietal cells of the stomach and it makes the interior of the stomach strongly acidic 2 What causes stomach ulcers Bacteria Ulcers it is caused by helicobacter pylori sphincters hold the stomach contents in place GERD which stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease it affects the stomach meaning that stomach contents travel back into the esophagus which can produce a burning sensation in the chest chyme is a highly acid and contains protein digesting enzymes medication to reduce acid production Small intestine it has the majority of digestion and absorption it also has increased surface area Large intestine anything that it is not digested and absorbed by the small intestine it has water absorption diarrhea parasite it is most commonly due to infection such as virus bacteria and in 2012 diarrhea was the second most common cause of deaths in 3 saliva that contains digestive enzymes for carbohydrates children younger than 5 worldwide Accessory organs food that does not touch these organs salivary glands pancreas liver pancreatic juice to small intestine neutralizes stomach chyme it has various enzymes it makes the bile meaning that it emulsifies the fat gallbladder stores bile

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UT BIOL 1120 - Nutrition

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