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4 8 Proteins very important people who are vegan vegetarian need to find other sources hard to get sufficient protein when ill or sick Major Functions structure basic structure of tissues bones teeth skin catalysis enzymes movement found in muscles ligaments tendons transport movement of substances across cell membranes within the circulatory system communication protein hormones cell signaling protein when to turn on off cells protection skin proteins immune proteins why aids is so detrimental deadly regulation of fluid balance regulate the distribution of fluid in the body we aren t just one big blob of fluid because protein makes us solid ex malnourished pot bellys legs don t look that thin they re so protein depleted stomach fills up with water hands legs swell up ex congestive heart failure they retain a lot of fluid have trouble breathing appetite declines along with proteins swollen hands feet regulation of pH maintain the pH of the body want it to stay about pH 7 3 glycogenesis synthesis of glucose Calculations 0 8g of protein per kilogram Healthy person 200lbs what would their protein needs be 200 2 2 90 9x0 8 73g of protein 85kg person x 0 8 63g of protein me 65 4k x 0 8g 52 36 65 years needs 1 0g per kilogram arthritis hip replacements AMDR for protein is 10 35 on exam plus carbohydrates AMDR how many grams of protein is needed 2000 kcals with 15 protein 75g 2000x 15 300 4 1800 kcals with 30 protein 540 calories 4 135g 1200 kcals with 10 protein 120 calories 30g What are proteins Complex molecules bond between monosaccarides Glycocidic bonds condensation reaction release water bind together amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds nitrogen classification number of amino acids olygopeptie 2 12 amino acids polypeptides more than 12 up to 300 amino acids 3 common parts Amino acids R Group central carbon bonded to a hydrogen amino group NH2 carboxylic acid COOH determines characteristics of specific protein The Main Components of an Amino Acid each has own R group Essential 9 amino acids must eat in diet indispensable Nonessential 11 amino acids our bodies make them dispensable conditionally essential 6 amino acids Classification Transamination process of making nonessential amino acids because of a condition something happened where they are no longer nonessential ex premature baby may not be developed to be able to make these amino acids so according to feeding must get these nonessential amino acids in it Amino group NH2 transferred from one amino acid to another compound a keto acid For Exam KNOW essential amino acids 9 Essential Nonessential Conditionally Essential Amino Acids Essential histidine isoleucine leucine lysine methionine phenylalanine threonine tryptophan valine phenylalanine no sugar sweeteners nutrasweet or asparatame made up of amino acids if you have phenol if you consume it with aspartame your phylianaliae will rise Nonessential can become essential if something happens complete protein sources fish avocados peanuts eggs beans Are all food proteins equal Categorization complimentary protein incomplete combine it with complete protein quality high quality vs low quality protein sources that they can be grown in environments ex cereal milk rice chicken if you love corn eat chicken beans with it GMOs genetically modified organisms veggies that have been genetically changed so they insert proteins into these foods good sources scary genetically changed up regulation turn machine body on start making protein down regulation turn machine body off How are proteins made bodies are machines 1 Cell signaling initiates protein synthesis process make protein break it down over over problems are when we start breaking down bodies run into protein deficiencies 2 Transcript transfers genetic info 3 Translation produces new peptide Chromosomes genes thousands of genes messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA ribosomes transfer ribonucleic acid mRNA Steps of Protein Synthesis How do proteins get their shape Protein Structure primary structure peptide bond between lysine serine number sequence of amino acids 7 critical to function of protein sickle cell anemia secondary structure is the result of hydrogen bonding R groups start intertwining Tertiary structure Quaternary structure a helix look like spiral case look B folded sheets look like folded fans hurt people even not pregnant neurological disorders Denaturation two or more peptide chains come together make up hemoglobin mineral part prosthetic groups not amino acid minerals The quaternary structure prosthetic groups of hemoglobin how do we do that before eating it Before it gets to your mouth denaturing agents lemon juice pounding it marinating heat agitation breaks down FDA EPA recommendations dangerous for us because they re so high in protein content contain mercury pregnant certain fish do not eat because they could have high mercury content shark king macerole swordfish tile fish if EPA test water find mercury they won t let you fish from those locations could Sickle Cell Anemia The Primary structure of a protein The secondary structure of a protein Quaternary Structure Prosthetic Groups of Hemoglobin chemical digestion begins in the stomach How are dietary proteins digest absorbed circulated Gastrin that tells stomach to release hydrochloric acid when we eat protein HCl breaks down all the structures HCl will convert pepsinogen to pepsin Pepsin active form that will break bonds PEPTIDE BONDS between amino acids How are dietary proteins digested absorbed circulated protein digestion continued in small intestine in lumen enterocytes enzymes released by pancreas that will continuously break down proteins food intolerance food allergy can kill you common PB etc signs symptoms anaphylaxis swelling need an epipen best prevention is avoidance stay away Protein Turnover proteolysis breaking down protein it turns into ammonia we all have small amounts in our bodies in stage liver disease have high levels of ammonia can become sleepy confused etc transfers to urea is filtered out through bodies as urine cannot tolerate lots of protein because will produce lots of ammonia or cannot rid because their kidneys wont Urea Synthesis Excretion Nitrogen Balance protein loss protein intake equilibrium negative nitrogen balance loose more protein then you are taking in had huge injury when you re going to lose more protein positive nitrogen balance protein loss is less than protein intake occurs in recovery means now you re in

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