Chapter 1 Organizational Leadership What is leadership A clear cut definition is difficult to form Why Most writers researchers are passionately attached to their own views and definitions Beliefs about the nature of leadership have changed over time o 1900s 1920s Control and Centralization of Power dominated definitions of leadership o 1930s traits and personality o 1940s the group approach o 1950s leadership definitions emphasized groups relationships and leadership behaviors o 1960s emphasized the importance of working towards common goals o 1970s emphasized complexity various economic political and other resources o 1980s recognition of the complexity of leadership accelerated o NOW instead of a simple consensual definition we now have a stew of definitions First Discussion of Leadership was so long ago o Religions Christianity Islam Judaism Which captivated o Greek and Roman Philosophers Caesar Plato etc In turn influenced o Renaissance thinkers Machiavelli Evidence Based Management Approach to Answer What is Leadership Limiting our focus only to those leaderships that have attracted scientific scrutiny support The amount of literature is narrowed significantly Informed ideas become possible Five Bases of Power Reward o gold stars Coercive Legitimate o power to punish o Given an official title Expert Referent o Having knowledge or expertise o Someone you look up to Differentiating Leadership from Management The nature of the person o Managers do things right and leaders do the right thing o Some people are great managers but not great leaders and vice versa o Different types of people with different goals personalities values and beliefs Different behaviors o Both are critical for organizational success o One person can provide both Emphasizes how each is dependent on a different form source of power o Manager s Power formal power given by organization o Leader s Power informal power based on the quality of the relationships they develop Managers Administration Leadership interpersonal relations 3 distinct features about leadership that have been considered studied separately 1 Who becomes a leader leadership role emergence or occupancy Multitude of factors that make one more less likely to lead 2 Different leadership styles and behaviors 3 Leadership effectiveness or success Can effect the behavior of employees teams and organizational effectiveness Sometimes effectiveness can be indirect delayed Organizational Leadership Theories Where to begin the story of Modern Organizational Leadership World War II leadership emphasized traits such as physical appearance and 1950s Two separate leadership behaviors are discovered initiating and 1960s situational contingency theories about when different behaviors 1980s new genre leadership theories and our starting point for the story social economic status consideration structure are more less effective because o Theories prior to this were mostly transactional and emphasized goals performance feedback and employees behavior followed by appropriate consequences punishment reward Transactions between managers and employees were based on formal power New theories emphasize the relational inspirational and ethical nature o Early theories no longer attract research attention Transformational Leadership Between 1990 and 2000 more studies were done on Transformational and Charismatic Leadership than the rest combined from theory to daily behavior This theory stands out amongst others Transformational leadership continues to increase in amount of research Burns and Bass developed it Burns wrote on the leadership styles of presidents and distinguished transformational from transactional Bass developed the leaderless group test and Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire the latter is still used to this day measures transformational and transactional leadership The 4 I s of Transformational Leadership o Idealized Influence Do what s best for the collective good as opposed to acting out of self interest o Inspirational Motivation performing beyond expectations of one s self and others set high but realistic goals to show faith in employees o Intellectual Stimulation encouraging followers to think for themselves intelligence and leadership are positively correlated o Individualized Consideration Emotional support active listening caring Future Oriented Transactional Leadership Leaders engage in crucial transactions between leader and employee Involves 3 behaviors forms o Contingent Reward set goals provide performance based feedback and rewards punishments are contingent on the appropriate levels of performance positive o Management by Exception Active or Passive negative Active immediately respond and are often viewed as public Passive only intervene when the problems become too serious loud or embarrassing to ignore o Laissez Faire Behavior leader fails to provide needed direction denies responsibility and avoids intervening even in a serious situation Disengaged and psychologically absent Transformational vs Transactional o Transformational leaders have the ability to influence employees and employees trust them based on informal power and is formed based on the relationships they form with their followers o Transactional leaders are dependent on their formal position for power o Transactional better reflects management than leadership o Augmentation Hypothesis transformational leadership augments adds to any effects generated by transactional leadership AKA the effects of transformational leadership would go beyond those of transactional leadership Online other leadership theories transactional leadership is given a specific role within transformational leadership Charismatic Leadership Closest theory to transformational leadership Use values and behaviors to empower employees to achieve distal goals Derive power from subordinates Widespread belief that charismatic leader possess extraordinary abilities characteristics has led them to attract widespread public interest Two major interpretations of behaviors o Socialized democratic serve collective rather than self interests and o Personalized autocratic seek to maximize their own self interest and develop and empower others exploit and control others Another more modern perspective relies less on behaviors or personality and more on attributions that followers make about leaders and their behaviors leadership is in the eye of the beholder Most importantly leader s behaviors are perceived as
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