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1 The body fat that is necessary for normal body functioning including fats in the brain muscles nerves bones lungs heart and digestive and reproductive systems is called Kines 2504 Exam 2 Study Guide Chapter 6 Multiple Choice a Lean body fat b Essential fat c Body fat percentage d Storage fat 2 The limitation with using BMI scores to assess fitness or fatness is a b c d It requires cumbersome calculations It requires expensive equipment It does not differentiate between fat and muscle It is time consuming 3 BMI scores place individuals in categories A BMI value of 30 would be classified as a Normal weight b Overweight c Underweight d Obese class I 4 Which of the following statements is true regarding body composition a Muscle and bone make up a portion of lean body mass b A person with android patter obesity carries excess body in the lower body c Storage fat is essential to the body d Males have greater essential fat 5 Adipose tissue or fat that is located just below the surface of the skin is Intra abdominal fat a Visceral fat b c Subcutaneous fat d Intra muscular fat 6 With regards to the body s patters of fat distribution which of the following statements is true a The fat distributions contribute to an overall body shape that can be correlated to a higher or lower risk of diseases b Gynoid fat patterning has a higher disease risk c Patterns are not primarily genetically based d Women tend to have apple shaped fat patterning 7 is a technique that distinguishes lean and fat mass by measuring the resistance of various body tissues to electrical currents 8 An egg shaped chamber that uses air displacement to determine total body volume total body density and percent body fat is known as a Hydrostatic weighing b Air displacement Bod Pod c BIA Bioelectrical Impedance d BMI Body Mass Index a Calipers b Hydrostatic weighing c Dual energy X ray absorptiometry d Bod Pod a Water and essential fat b Muscle and water c Bone mineral density and muscle d Storage fat 9 Real body composition changes take time Quick weight loss is easier for those with more weight to lose but most weight that is lost quickly consists of 10 The WHR waist to hip ratio is calculated by a Hip circumference minus waist circumference b Waist circumference plus hip circumference c Hip circumference divided by waist circumference d Waist circumference divided by hip circumference 11 While there are no agreed upon standards for recommended percent body fat a range of for women is considered healthy 12 Although research indicates that the rate of increase in obesity appeared to slow between 1999 and early 2012 for many populations current rates of obese adults are extremely high with of U S adults being overweight or obese a 30 or more b 10 22 c 20 32 d 6 13 a Only 30 b More than 68 c Approximately 15 d Less than 20 13 Which of the following can indicate greater risk of diabetes high blood pressure and heart disease a A female WHR waist to hip ratio greater than 35 b BMI greater than 35 c A male waist circumference of 35 inches d Gynoid pattern obesity 14 Which body composition assessment method is considered the criterion gold standard a Air displacement b Skinfold measurements c Bioelectrical impedance analysis d Dual energy X ray absorptiometry 15 True body changed come from sticking with a carefully planned and executed nutrition and exercise program Since body fat changed may take time allow between body composition percent body fat assessments a 5 7 days b 6 12 months c 4 6 weeks d 2 4 months 16 BMI measurements can be misleading for a Senior adults b Adolescents c Sedentary individuals d Short or petite individuals the female triad a Rhythmic gymnasts b Softball catchers c Downhill skiers d Soccer goalies 17 In general which of the following athletes are at a greater risk for developing 18 Female athlete triad refers to a triangle of which three interrelated problems that are a result of disordered eating or an actual eating disorder a Low Omega 3 bulimia and muscle dysmorphia b Low bone density low muscle mass and low potassium c Menstrual dysfunction low bone density and low energy availability d Overtraining bone fractures and smoking 19 When setting goals for reaching a healthy body composition it is important to remember to a Choose a diet that claims rapid weight loss b Aim for increasing fat mass gradually in order to gain weight c Exercise specific areas to reduce cellulite and spot reduce fat d Aim for a body composition goal and a target weight that is healthy and that you can maintain for a lifetime 20 Percent body fat is the percentage of your total weight that is fat tissue that is to day a The total body weight divided by lean weight b The fat mass divided by muscle and bone mass c The total body weight divided by muscle mass d The weight of fat divided by total body weight 21 Although both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat are associated with metabolic disease fat from the region has a stronger relationship to disease risk a Hip and thigh b Chest and upper arm c Abdominal d Low back 22 Cellulite is enlarged fat cells that bulge out of their connective tissue compartments and push into the skin While no truly effective method exists for getting rid of cellulite tips for avoiding cellulite include a Decreasing fluid intake b Applying skin cream to achieve longer lasting results c Target exercise to spot reduce fat in affected area d Eat a diet rich in vegetables and fiber 23 The body composition assessment that can also determine bone density is a DXA b BIA c Hydrostatic weighing d Bod Pod a The forehead and chin b The waist c The chest d The upper arm 24 In order to estimate body composition all of the following body areas are assessed when utilizing the circumference measurements with the exception of 25 When monitoring changes to body size shape and composition it is suggested to a Allow 2 4 months between body composition assessments b Avoid regular assessments c Monitor body weight daily d Assess BMI once a year Chapter 6 True False True False 1 Adipose tissue that surrounds organs in the abdomen is known as viscera 2 Body mass index for adults for adults uses weight and age to determine body 3 Storage fat functions to provide energy and insulation to the body 4 BMI scores place individuals in categories A BMI of 20 29 is categorized as 5 A person with Android patter obesity has excess body fat on the upper body and trunk and has a greater risk of developing chronic disease 6 Young women with

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