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Chapter 3 Expansion and Its Costs 1660 1700 Tuesday September 15 2015 HIST 2300 I By 1763 13 English colonies in 4 regions A New England B The Middle Colonies C The Chesapeake D The Southern Colonies II Non Native Population 1 million by 1750 3 1 Expansion of English Holdings in North America 1660 1700 I English Motives for Further Expansion A The English Civil War 1 1649 revolutionaries led by Cromwell executed Charles I a They wanted a kingless republic or commonwealth taxation only with representation limited government no monarchy b Greatly led by puritans that slowly moved to Massachusetts c 1660 Charles II took his dad s place 1 Restoration 1660 1685 King Charles used to colonies to tighten his control and to pay off debts from the civil war B Tighten Royal Control 1 Charles enforced trade restrictions on the colonies a The Navigation Acts where the colonies could ship goods that they must use English ships and enumerated goods tobacco sugar cotton indigo could only be sold to England 2 To prevent sales from rivals France and Dutch Republic 3 Curb the colonial North America which was a threat to English producers C Paying Off Debts 1 Navigation Acts an English monopoly on colonial sales and goods 2 Charles offered proprietary colonies land given to his supporters as private property which meant extreme wealth 1 II The Creation of Colonies During After the Restoration A Proprietary Colonies was the chief means of colonial expansion between Tuesday September 15 2015 B 5 Proprietary Colonies formed during Restoration 1660 1700 1 Carolina 2 New York 3 Pennsylvania 4 East Jersey 5 West Jersey 1 Georgia C Proprietary Colonies formed after Restoration D Carolina From Virginia south to Northern Florida and to the ocean 1 Granted to 8 noblemen 2 Constitution drafted by philosopher John Locke a Encouraged large plantation b 2 5 of each county set aside for proprietors to continue the wealth in the area 3 Carolina s proprietors failed because England s hierarchy system did not work in the colonies a The noblemen wanted to continue England s hierarchy system b The established colonist especially those that moved their from the Caribbean or other colonies didn t agree 4 First slave dependent colony a Slaves were brought by Caribbean land owners 5 Tobacco couldn t grow due to the climate and the soil of the area a The slaves knew that rice could grow because the climate was so similar to where they from 6 The sudden economic surge from rice brought the need for more labor slaves a b Most of the slaves came from place like Barbados In Carolina there was twice as many slaves as Englishmen 2 Tuesday September 15 2015 7 South Carolina a Very few Europeans lived there 1 Tons of disease 2 Low population growth 3 Constant war with the natives 8 North Carolina a Flourished 1 Low disease 2 Low humidity 3 Tobacco was the main crop 4 Slaves were there but no where near a dominate at North Carolina 9 Carolina of cially split into North and South in 1712 when their differences became more apparent E New York 1 Polyglot knowing speaking more than one language and extremely diverse 2 Started as a Dutch colony pre Restoration in 1624 a Henry Hudson and Peter Minuit s purchase of the island in 1609 b Traded fur with the Iroquois c Success came from New Amsterdam d Adriaen van der Donck increased the draw to New Amsterdam by creating maps travelogues and by paying for colonist to move to Manhattan e Population reached 10 000 3 Then England came in like a wrecking ball a Commerce competition lead to 3 Dutch Anglo wars b In 1664 England claimed New Amsterdam 1 Charles gave it to his brother the Duke of York who renamed it New c The Duke was resisted by the citizens because he tried to restrict their rights 1 However he did allow slavery and by 1703 42 of households owned York them 3 Tuesday September 15 2015 F Pennsylvania 1 Founded by William Penn and was the most diverse colony a Penn was a quaker and the king owed Penn s father a debt and upon getting arrested Penn traded his father s debt from a colony in 1670 s 1 Quakers protestants who believed that God s will was directly transmitted to people through their inner light a Highly combatted the Protestants of the time b In 1674 Penn and 10 others bought West Jersey 2 Constitution half white a Trial by jury in trails involving Indians the jury would be half Indian and b No capital punishment c Almost all free males could vote d Good relations with the Indians would be maintained 3 1682 York sold Penn 3 counties these would later become Delaware 4 Reasons people moved to Pennsylvania a Religious freedom b Easy land access 5 By 1680 s the population was 12 000 6 Slavery was permitted they were usually domestic workers G New Jersey 1 Reasons people moved there a Land grants b Religious freedom H Georgia 1 Founded after the Restoration 2 Chief motive buffer between the Spanish and the Carolinas 3 Georgia was a place to send debtors and protestants a It was a way to clear out the prisons so England didn t have to pay for them anymore 4 Tuesday September 15 2015 4 Oglethrope was put in charge of Georgia in 1733 a He believed the worthy poor could start anew 5 Charter was made a No one could start a worthy sized plantation b No slavery 6 The people of Georgia once Oglethrope was gone rejected the charter and were given full rights which included slavery III Where Were the Spanish A Spain didn t believe in colonies they wanted quick pro ts and to conquer and control any land that had wealth 1 Also to convert the Natives to Catholic beliefs B This lead to con icts with the Indians over labor and faith C New Mexico 1 Pueblo people rejected the piety of the Catholic friars a Pueblo Revolt led by shaman Pop 1 An uprising spanning 100 s of miles 2 Burned farms 3 Destroyed churches 4 Killed half of the Spanish friars 2 The Spanish eventually returned in the 1690 s and the Pueblo welcomed them back but only because the Pueblo wanted their weapons D Florida 1 Faced similar resentments as New Mexico a Added pressures included the nearby colonies held by England and France 2 War of Spanish Succession 1701 a Britain attacked Spain because they believe Spain was becoming close allies with France b Only one stronghold St Augustine remained 3 By 1700 s Spain only had a few Catholic missions and tiny settlements in US IV Conclusion 5 A Between 1660 and 1700 Britain had begun large colonial empire in North Tuesday September 15 2015 America 1 Claimed the biggest stake of the

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