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Rome Late Empire 1 Church of St Mark s WHEN 11TH 13TH century CE WHERE Venice Decorated with Roman artifacts i Example The Four Tetrarch a WHEN 3RD century CE b Political monument to embody tetrarchy c Found by Constantine on a political building column as a high flank d Augustus have beards to show power and age e Wanted sculpture to be eternal and permanently embody tetrarchy SHIFT FROM i Now interacting Less naturalism ii Now all the same Less individualized iii Compared to Augustus Prima Porta sculpture iv Compare to Portrait of Trajan Decius 2 Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine Constantine s first building project but started by Maxentius Large and open WHEN 306 312 CE WHERE Rome Used as public space for government i e Market Court etc Uses arches and columns Coffered ceilings were gilded and covered with gold Concrete construction allows natural light raise aisle over flanked aisle Apse used to prominently display statue of Constantine Connected with imperial authority i Symbol of authority Wearing crown ii Seated in throne with the gesture of speaking iii Huge in size iv Prove rightful successor SHIFT FROM i No show of aging No verism ii Now idealized No verism iii Overly large eyes Show watching and power iv Compared to Portrait of Trajan Decius v Similar to the Four Tetrarch Show legitimate successor 3 Arch of Constantine WHEN 312 CE WHERE Rome Near Colosseum Flavian Amphitheater 72 80 CE statue of Sol Previously Colossos of Emperor Nero 50 CE Collage of Roman rule to enforce legitimate ruler Includes Trajan Hadrian Marcus Aurelius and Constantine Shows legitimate connection to other rulers Decorated with Roman artifacts and new style i Example of Constantine decoration Frieze of Constantine distributing largesse a WHEN 312 315 CE b Hierarchy of scale friezes Compared to Citizens acknowledge him as a ruler c Mesopotamia d Exhibits tetrarchy e SHIFT FROM i Images now heavily articulated Not elegant and slender ii All the same Less individualism Centerpiece of Arch a WHEN 312 315 CE b Shows unification under God c Ties in Constantine s Christianity belief ii Example of Hadrian decoration Hadrianic roundels a WHEN 2nd century CE b Right above the frieze of Constantine Shows c extreme contrast in styles Follow Classic Rome i Proportions ii Natural interactions iii Naturalism iv Classicizing Augustan era 4 Gold medallion Coins Example i First Unconquered Constantine a WHEN 313 CE b WHERE Rome c Made of gold d Combined new religion with old for easier e transition Included Sol Pagan sun god i Crown has sun beams 5 St Peter s Basilica f Inspiration to Statue of Liberty ii Constantine i Shield of chariot ascending to God ii Image of the cross ii Second Constantine with the cross a WHEN 325 CE b WHERE Rome c Constantine i With a horse ii Cross emblem Show spread of Christianity iii Orb staff Shows world ruler iii Third Chi Rho symbol a WHEN 4th century CE b WHERE Rome c Included Greek letters Alpha and Omega WHEN 319 15 16th century CE WHERE Rome By St Peter s tomb BUILT BY Michelangelo Bramante Not in center of Rome to ease transition Not original but on the same site Have original blueprints Saint Peter i Spread Christianity ii His burial place became a Christian graveyard site of Basilica 3 aisles 2 lower 1 raised SIMMILAR TO i Old Roman concept Original blueprints Christianity Basilica of Maxentius Constantine a Connected to Roman imperial authority Simple and built quickly i ii Flat walls with a timber roof iii Many churches built at once All the same iv Use new architectural ideas Transept apse nave narthex atrium altar aisles SHIFT FROM i Church function Basilica of Maxentius Constantine a Roman public building St Peter s Basilica a Christian church 6 Church of Santa Sabina WHEN 422 432 CE WHERE Rome Simple brick exterior with a grand interior i Marble floors paneling ii Mosaics iii Classic capitol columns iv Use purple green white colors v Use Roman imperial design a Capitol specific for this Basilica b All individual for church c Design al the same to help people feel comfortable and familiar vi SIMMILAR TO a Late Classic Both use mosaics Origins of Christian Imagery 1 The palace and citadel of Dora Europos WHEN 3rd century CE WHERE Dora Europos In ruins 2 Temple of Bel WHEN 3rd century CE WHERE Dora Europos Babylonian region In ruins 3 Underground Mithraeum WHEN 2nd century CE WHERE Dora Europos Religious cult i Worship Mithraeum ii Only for men iii Popular in Roman military iv Secret society v No written text vi Sacrifice and salvation Focus on imagery i Narrative of Mithraeum s life SIMMILAR TO i Ancient Classic Rome ii Includes Sol and bull imagery Examples i Painting a WHEN 3rd century CE b WHERE Marino Italy c Combination of Jewish religion d Use fresco style e Spandrels filled with sun moon personification in human form f Cape of stars ii Sculpture Symbol of eternal life after sacrifice a WHEN 2nd century CE b WHERE Rome c Mithras born from the rock 4 Temple of Adonis 5 Jewish synagogue WHEN 3rd century CE WHERE Dora Europos Foreground location WHEN 3rd century CE WHERE Dora Europos DISCOVERED In 1930 i Figural images of Old Testament Not the case today ii Strong tradition iii Images influence Christianity Back wall location Closed off from street Private home donated to worship not large public building Images cover walls i Examples 1 Moses and the Exodus 2 Moses as a baby rescued from bulrushes in Egypt Leading to safety from Roman troops a Fresco style b c Moses shown twice d Narrative in one image e Merge classic art 2 Samuel anoints David a WHEN 245 256 CE b WHERE Dura Europos Syria c Hierarchy of scale d David in purple robes Royalty e SIMMILAR TO o Compared to frieze of Constantine Hierarchy of 7 Church WHEN 3rd century CE scale First Christian church found It shows popularity of Christianity before Constantine WHERE Dora Europos Has assembly room teaching area courtyard and baptistery Only baptistery had decoration i Plain room with arch for baptismal fount ii Main image over arch iii Compared to cape of stars iv Good Shepherd First image of Christ Christ isn t suffering Example of salvation through sacrifice a Sculpture of the Good Shepherd i WHEN 3rd century CE ii WHERE Rome Catacomb of Domitilla iii Christ depicted as youthful Roman soldier iv Naturalistic style Imperial Rome v Controposto SIMMILAR TO i Jewish synagogue Both insula 8 Rome via Appia WHERE Rome DISCOVERED In 17th century Wealthy country estates along country road outside of Rome held

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