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Exam I Important Topics to Know Chapter 2 Research Methods Empiricism vs Dogmatism o Empirical Method Scientific Method Theory vs Hypothesis Why are humans difficult to study Operational Definition o Measure Validity vs Reliability vs Power Demand Characteristics Research techniques know pros cons and differences between each Observer bias expectations can influence observations reality o Naturalistic observation o Correlational design o Experimental design o Case method o Double blind Describing your data o Graphs Frequency distribution Normal distribution o Descriptive statistics Central tendency Mode vs mean vs median Variability Range vs standard deviation Explaining your data o Correlation CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION Relationship between variables Correlation coefficient r How to interpret strength and direction of a correlation coefficient o Causation Third variable problem Techniques to eliminate third variable correlations o Matched samples vs matched pairs Established through experimentation Key feature manipulation o Independent vs dependent variables o Experimental vs control groups Random assignment Inferential statistics Statistical significance vs practical significance Making conclusions about your data o External validity vs internal validity o Populations and samples o Differences between random assignment and random sampling Research ethics o Three basic principles for human subject research o Important rules of research informed consent deception debriefing risk benefit analysis confidentiality etc o How does research respect and protect animals o Respecting truth above all Chapter 3 Neuroscience Behavior Everything psychological is simultaneously biological Neurons o All parts of the neuron and what they do Glial cells what do they make up o Types of neurons Information processing o Electrical communication action potential vs chemical communication o Electrical communication know changes in polarization movement of ions Saltatory conduction down axon nodes of Ranvier and myelin neurotransmission Resting potential Action potential sheath Refractory period o Chemical communication Action potential signals chemical action Vesicles bind to presynaptic membrane in terminal button and burst Neurotransmitters released into synapse NTs bind to receptor sites on postsynaptic membrane dendrites o Study organization of each part of system with diagram handout o Neurotransmitters Major classes of neurotransmitters Agonists vs antagonists Nervous system Know functions of each o Role of spinal cord in CNS Spinal reflexes Brain structures o Study organization using diagram handout Know what each part of the brain does and which division of the brain it s o Broad functions of hindbrain midbrain forebrain o Organization of cerebral cortex located in Lobes o One way to learn normal functions by studying abnormal or damaged brain areas o EEG what it measures and when to use it o Structural brain imaging Areas within lobes o Brain plasticity o Hemisphere roles Split brain patients Methods of investigation of brain o Functional brain imaging CT scan MRI PET scan fMRI o What we learn from brain imaging Chapter 4 Sensation Perception Sensation vs perception o Transduction from sensation to perception Measuring perception psychophysics o Thresholds What is a threshold Absolute thresholds Difference thresholds Just noticeable differences Weber s law o Signal detection theory Sensitivity to stimulus in noise Decision criterion Measures perceptual sensitivity Sensory adaptation Visual sensation and perception o 3 properties of light waves o Anatomy of human eye know all parts from diagram handout and what they do o Accomodation Hyperopia Myopia o Phototransduction Rods vs cones know definitions and differences Layers of the retina Cones rods Bipolar cells Retinal ganglion cells Blind spot Axons of RGCs form optic nerve in this area o Where does optic nerve go from here Optic chiasm Thalamus Area VI occipital lobe o Color perception Primary colors of light Main color theories Trichromatic color representation Color opponent representation o Visual perception Binding problem Illusory conjunction o What is or is not an illusory conjunction Parietal lobe in binding Recognizing objects Modular vs distributed representation theories Perceptual constancy Gestalt perceptual grouping rules know each of the 6 discussed in book Figure ground Theories of object recognition Image based o Template Parts based o Collection of geometric elements Depth perception o Monocular depth cues know the ones discussed in book o Binocular depth cues binocular disparity o Depth size illusions Ames rom Motion perception o How do we know when things move o Apparent motion o Change blindness vs inattentional blindness Multitasking Chapter 5 Consciousness What is consciousness o How to measure consciousness Phenomenology Think aloud Experience sampling technique o Basic properties of consciousness know each Evidence of properties from dichotic listening cocktail party phenomenon etc o Levels of consciousness know differences between each Minimal Full Self o Current concerns and environment s effect on consciousness o Mental control Thought suppression Rebound effect of thought suppression Ironic processes of mental control Unconscious mind o Freudian dynamic unconscious Repression Freudian slips o Cognitive unconscious Subliminal perception Sleep o Sleep cycle Influence on behavior read study on p 188 Circadian rhythm Stages of sleep categorized by EEG patterns of neuron activity Stage 5 REM sleep o Role of EOG o Dreaming o Sleep needs What happens when you re sleep deprived Sleep disorders know definitions and symptoms Drugs o Psychoactive drugs influence consciousness behavior Effects on neurotransmitter levels o Drug use o Types of psychoactive drugs know effects and examples of each Tolerance Dependence Withdrawal Depressants Alcohol and expectancy theory o Balanced placebo design Alcohol myopia Stimulants Narcotics Opiates Hallucinogens Marijuana

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OSU PSYCH 1100 - Chapter 2: Research Methods

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