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Exam 3 Study Guide underline on professor s study guide Chapter 11 Terms Newborn Survival Reflexes touch cheek open mouth o Rooting o Swallowing put something on lips swallow o Moro startle them arch back arms fling out sideways o Grasping put finger in their palm grasp o Stepping hold them up step forward Visual Cliff measures depth perception Schema Assimilation Accommodation Piaget s 4 Developmental Stages concept framework that helps us organize interpret world around us interpreting one s new experiences in terms of old schema modifying one s schema so that it can incorporate new info o Sensorimotor 0 2 yrs uses senses and experimentation Habituation frequently repeated presentations decreasing or stopping responses to a stimulus after Schema of causality universal succession do A B happens Object permanence awareness that things continue to exist even when they re not perceived o Preoperational 2 6 yrs uses language Theory of Mind your head isn t going on in another s head ability to take another s perspective what s going on in Egocentric what s going on in your head is going on in another s head 6 12 yrs uses logical thinking properties mass volume remain same despite changes in o Concrete Operational Conservation form of objects o Formal Operational 12 yrs uses abstract thinking Abstract Thinking characterized by the ability to use concepts and to make and understand generalizations Attachment emotional tie w another person Functions of Secure Attachment o Safe Haven o Secure Base thus promoting exploration in a distressing situation attachment figure provides comfort in a new environment attachment figure offers affection security Strange Situation Test SST measures quality of infant attachment infant mother stranger in a room infant s response when mother leaves returns Secure Infant Attachment comfortable w mother distressed when mother leaves seeks contact when mother returns Avoidant Infant Attachment somewhat comfortable w mother rarely cries but may show anger when mother leaves avoids mother when she returns Anxious Ambivalent Infant Attachment anxious w mother distressed when mother leaves mixed when mother returns Secure Adult Romantic Style happy trusting friendship longer more satisfying Avoidant Adult Romantic Style fear of intimacy emotional jealousy Anxious Ambivalent Adult Romantic Style obsession emotional extreme sexual romantic relationships attraction jealousy Heinz Scenario participant s justification form of response is what is significant Kohlberg s Stages of Moral Development before age 9 morality guided by self interest early adolescence morality upholds rules laws takes o Preconventional o Conventional Morality into account other people s evaluations o Postconventional Morality rights ethical principles late adolescence morality guided by agreed upon People Piaget 4 cognitive developmental stages Harlow experimented with monkeys 2 different fake mothers to determine effect of mother child relationship on future social relationships Ainsworth created the strange situation test Mickelson KSU student who found that adults romantic styles are strongly correlated with their reports of how their parents treated them Kohlberg 3 stages of moral development Chapter 12 Terms Personality o Whatever makes for consistency in our behavior ex how one behaves in class vs in social settings typical pattern of thinking feeling and acting o Whatever is responsible for individual differences in behavior you vs other people org of enduring behavior patterns that distinguishes one person from another o UNIQUENESS CONSISTENCY ORGANIZATION Psychoanalytic Perspective defense mechanisms o 1 Unconscious motivations People are often unaware of the motives behind their behavior o 2 Repression Unacceptable motives and impulses are kept out of conscious awareness by the use of defense mechanisms o 3 Early childhood development Adult personality is shaped by how we resolve psychosexual conflicts in infancy and childhood Humanistic Perspective reactions how healthy people become good relatable productive focus on conscious thoughts about self explains human capacity for growth self expression Trait Perspective modern basic ways in which people are different from one another Freud s Personality Structure o Id energy outside conscious awareness satisfy basic sexual aggressive and survival needs Libido sexual drive Pleasure Principle instinctual seeking of pleasure and avoiding of pain in order to satisfy biological and psychological needs o Ego balances Id Superego reality Reality Principle ability of the mind to assess the reality of the external o Superego world and to act upon it accordingly internalized ideals for how one should behave Defense Mechanisms Protect ego reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality o Repression o Regression o Reaction Formation o Projection o Rationalization o Displacement block thoughts feelings memories from consciousness retreat to earlier stage of development act the opposite of whatever you re ashamed of project your own issues onto somebody else come up with a good way to justify something bad redirect impulses to safer outlet Freud s Psychosexual Stages o Oral o Anal 0 18 months Mouth sucking biting chewing orally fixated excessive smoking eating nail biting sarcasm thrifty stubborn vs anally expulsive messy generous dirty humor 3 6 yrs Genitals genitally fixated self centered reckless 18 36 months Bowel Bladder elimination anally retentive orderly o Phallic Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs o Physiological food water o Safety house shelter security o Belongingness Love love be loved o Esteem self esteem others respect o Self Actualization fulfill full unique potential Ideal Self The kind of person one would ideally like to be Actual Self How one currently thinks and feels about oneself Self Actualization process by which one becomes ideal self Conditional Positive Regard meet expectations to get love depression Unconditional Positive Regard no expectations to get love self actualization Factor Analysis Approach looks to see which traits tend to correlate together Big 5 Personality Inventory into a cluster based on statistical analysis NOT theory anxious insecure moody sociable talkative fun loving affectionate creative curious unconventional many interests o Neuroticism o Extraversion o Openness o Agreeableness o Conscientiousness sympathetic helpful courteous reliable organized careful 1st born more C vs later born more O Birth Order

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