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12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Developmental Psychology Developmental Psychology Stacy Lu Sat Nov 15 14 18 38 CST 2014 Domains of Development Physical brain NS senses motor function basic life needs Cognitive mental abilities learning memory language etc Social interactions with others relationships unique personality Issues in Developmental Research Nature vs Nurture result of bio or enviro Critical Sensitive Periods Continuity Discontinuity Stability Change Critical Period certain experiences MUST OCCUR in age range for normal development Sensitive Period if experiences occur at another time normal development still possible Continuous development is ongoing steady Discontinuous development interrupted by sudden change Fetal Alcohol Syndrome severe group of abnormalities from prenatal exposure to alcohol lifelong disability facial abnormalities growth retardation CNS abnormalities Social Referencing when baby checks in with primary caregiver Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor 0 2 years old experience world through actions and consequences of actions Stages of Cognitive Development Preoperational 2 7 years old represent world symbolically through words and mental images lack ability of conservation more pieces more quantity larger Teratogens substances that can lead to abnormal fetal development e g Rubella x rays radiation toxic chems STDs cigarette smoke ALCOHOL OTC prescription drugs marijuana cocaine heroin etc Stages of Cognitive Development Concrete Operational 7 11 12 years old achievement of conservation https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 12893798 note true 1 3 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Developmental Psychology beginning capacity for adult logic limitations start to fade Stages of Cognitive Development Formal Operations 11 12 years old thinking is abstract and systematic form and test hypotheses adolescent egocentrism Object Permanence awareness that object continues to exist even when not present Childhood Egocentrism unaware of other s perspectives can only see own perspective everyone sees it may way if I can see it others can see it there are no other opinions Ability of Conservation understanding that quantity of object does not change even when form is changed Decentration ability to focus on more than one aspect of a situation Adolescent Egocentrism difficulty separating things of concern to others themselves increase in self consciousness assume others just as concerned about personal problems I care so other people care Imaginary Audience EVERYBODY S watching me Personal Fable own experiences so special that no one else can understand NOBODY understands me Myth of Invulnerability nothing bad can happen to me bad things only happen to other people because I m too unique and special I m the EXCEPTION Criticisms of Piaget underestimation of preschoolers and infants abilities overestimation of adults abilities too fixed abrupt development does not occur in concrete stages neglect to consider cultural environment Lev Vygotsky s Sociocultural Theory how sociocultural context interacts with brain s biological maturation Apprenticeship guidance by more knowledgeable skilled individuals Zone of Proximal Development ZPD range of tasks child can carry out with help of someone who is more knowledgeable Lower Level problem solving aloneUpper Level problem solving with help Theory of Mind awareness of own and others mental states https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 12893798 note true 2 3 12 27 2014 StudyBlue printing of Developmental Psychology Language Acquisition Device innate mechanism that facilitates language learning in children Language Acquisition Support System social environmental factors e g parents that facilitate language learning in children Cognitive Change in Old Age brain shrinkage in frontal lobes lose inhibitions lack impulse control DECLINE in efficiency and speed of intellectual functioning STABLE accumulated knowledge can grow with new experiences stimulation little no decline in implicit memory remembering Factors in Extent of Cognitive Decline biological factors health status lifestyle factors the more brain is exercised the healthier it will be better it will perform https www studyblue com printFlashcardDeck deckId 12893798 note true 3 3

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OSU PSYCH 1100H - Developmental Psychology

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