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Final HUM The gilded age from 1870s 1900 It was a period of large industrial growth which was depicted in the paintings D G Rossetti illustrations from the 1865 2nd edition of Goblin Market and Other Poems Laurence Housman illustrations from the 1893 London edition of Goblin Market published by Macmillan Goblin Market narrative poem written by Rossetti 2 young sisters succumb to temptation where one eats forbidden fruit Large amount of Symbolism in poem Imperialism a policy of extending a country s power and influence through colonization use of military force or other means The era overlaps the industrial revolution Nationalism encouraged governments to promote artistic works that reflected great heroes and important events from the past of a particular nation state This art usually remained in the tradition of naturalistic and realistic portrayal of nature as it looks to the human eye Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres La Grande Odalisque 1814 Romantic Orientalist also avant garde Uses romantic tendencies porcelain sexuality combined with prudish French culture paired with classical form and romantic themes Distorts the body and elongates proportions There is a lack of anatomical realism The painting is Ingres s conception of ideal beauty His use of color lighting and the tone he evokes is unique Eugene Delacroix Women of Algiers in their Chambers 1834 The painting is notable for its sexual connotations it depicts Algerian concubines of a harem with a hookah used to smoke hashish or opium In the 19th century the composition was known for its sexual content and its orientalism The painting served as a source of inspiration to the later impressionists The Snake Charmer 1870 by Jean Leon Gerome The painting depicts a naked boy standing on a small carpet in the centre of a room with blue tiled walls facing away from the viewer holding a python which coils around his waist and over his shoulder while an older man sits to his right playing a fipple flute Its oriental setting makes the scene acceptable for a 19th century western audience Avant Garde Literature people or works that are experimental or innovative particularly with respect to art culture and politics The avant garde pushes the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo primarily in the cultural realm The avant garde also promotes radical social reforms Influenced by Italian Futurism and Nietzsche Reaction against Russian Symbolism its nuance allusion decadence and flowery language Major manifesto was A Slap in the Face of Public Taste 1912 The Homeland of Art is the Future Russian Futurism Avant Garde ditto as literature definition Kasimir Malevich Suprematist Black Square and Red Square 1915 Painting shows geometric and abstract art Malevich was the originator of avant garde supremacist movement The black square is not actually black but a combo of mixed colors It was based of nature and has no reference to reality Depicted a boldly colored opaque geometric figure a top a white background Albrecht D rer The Fall of Man Woodcut 1510 Attempt to make figures appear primitive crude as prints made from woodblocks Like woodcuts Lacking detail Lines bold and jagged Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Self portrait with Model 1910 Kirchner was a German Expressionist artist Participated in double standard between the spoken or represented and the unsaid or behind the scenes reality Showed avant garde characteristics of art Girl under a Japanese Umbrella 1909 Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Ditto with description of Kirchner The Scream 1893 Oil tempera and pastel on cardboard Edvard Munch Norwegian expressionist The painting shows a figure with an agonized expression against a landscape with a tumultuous orange sky Detour German Expressionist Film Rejection of verisimilitude illusionism for a reality distorted for emotional effect Aesthetics influenced by artists like van Gogh and Edvard Munch Picasso 1881 1973 Girl Before a Mirror 1932 It Even with backgrounds that are normally placed to be a backdrop and mainly they re to assist the main subject He includes it within the painting to make it just as intense as the main focal point of the image Picasso was part of a movement that would become known as Modernism was using at the time and evoked an image of Vanity such as had been utilized in art in earlier eras Picasso Guitar Sheet Music and Wine Glass 1912 Synthetic Cubism Collage Picasso assembled his collage from seven pieces of paper cut and pasted to a wallpaper ground Each of these pieces of paperremains a discrete representational element within the composition which as a whole represents a guitar hanging on a wall The central portion of the guitar s body appears as a negative shape defined only by the paper elements that surround it The effect of transparency is all the more remarkable in the collage for having been achieved with opaque and clearly flat shapes Dynamism of an Automobile by Luigi Russolo 1911 Theory before practice Dynamism Found beauty in industry machines noise movement mechanization and speed Futurists heart automobiles trains planes machine guns electric lights etc Blue Dancer 1912 by Gino Severini Manifesto of the futurist painters Destroy the cult of the past the obsession with the ancients pedantry and academic formalism Charge of the Lancers Umberto Boccioni 1915 Totally invalidate all kinds of imitation 3 Elevate all attempts at originality however daring however violent The Charge of the Lancers is the only known work by Boccioni that is devoted exclusively to the theme of war Being a collage Charge was also a rare departure for the artist in terms of medium Horse symbol of war and natural strength Carlo Carr Patriotic Celebration 1909 Carra is clearly following the cubist painterly style in this collage poem the composition moves outward from center in concentric circles and with a number of rays or lines of force moving out from this center giving an impression of an explosion of a loud noise or sound The words as well emanate from this same center for the most part helping to emphasize the feeling of expansion from a center The several dark blackish zones in the center also give an effective sense of spatial depth Giacomo Balla Street Light 1910 1911 Balla founder of futurist artists In this painting the moon is subsumed by artificial light Tiny vectors of red blue and yellow spring forth from the radiating source of electrical illumination At the center the source shines with the ferocity of an

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FSU HUM 2250 - The gilded age

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