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World War II Part 2 10 17 2013 I II III Double V campaign Jews and the War Japanese Internment Good guy vs bad guy scenario People that were persecuted o Roma and senti gypsies o Homosexuals o Jews o Handicapped Pluralism African Americans and the War Few jobs in the defense industry Segregation in the military Exclusion from privileges of GI Bill Double V Campaign Birth of the Civil Rights Movement o March on Washington March 1941 Defense employment end segregation Executive Order 8802 o Desegregated the defense industry o Fair Employment Practices Commission Increased migration Increased racial tension Jews and the War Anti semitism in the US Hitler s war against the Jews Indifferent responses to European Jews plight Japanese Internment Race War Anti Japanese and Anti Chinese prejudice o Exclusion act no chinese immigrants can enter the U S Pearl Harbor 5th Column german and Italian americans supported American side of war Japanese heritage was considered suspicious HIDDEN ENEMY Japanese Americans 70 in California o Issa 10 17 2013 10 17 2013

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UD HIST 206 - World War II (Part 2)

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