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EXAM 1 HCS Biorhythms figure 1 10 1 9 in 11th Charts show how body temp is higher during the day and drops down at night Plasma growth is higher at night and drops down during the day Different patterns depending on the bodily function Examples 1 Circadian 2 Annual such as density of hair less hair loss during the winter fat desolation put on more weight in the fall than spring 3 Lunar so that the physiology depend on the cycle of the moon we cut down what we down when we cannot see as well in the dark we are more active when there is a full moon because of better vision so we anticipate the full moon Proactive instead of reaction cycles we anticipate plan to have feedforward activity FF we are set up to being active during the day but other organisms naturally are more active at night this is in our DNA an adaptation Trigger internal clock it is NOT determined by the environment adaptation genetic set up Set up for survival energy Adjustable within limits we can shift ourselves to be more active during night but not completely harder to shift if there is a major time change jet leg acclimatization cannot be changed being proactive saves Clock reset change in our SP set point ex Changing the set point time when you wake up but you will NOT adapt b c that would alter your DNA Clock reset is environmental Use based ex with temperature if it is randomly 55 deg in the Jan everyone will wear shorts BUT if its 55 deg in August everyone will be dressed warmly NOT a genetic change it is just simply how we work with the DNA we already have why we have limits Acclimatization is a change that happens to an individual VS adaptation is a change that happens in general to a species Usually reversible exception is developmental acclimatization like fetal alcohol syndrome Adaptation can not occur within our lifetime This happening would result in a change in our genetic makeup which cannot happen This can only occur throughout generations and very slowly Think of a changing characteristic of a species over time because of their changing habitat survival of the fittest Acclimatization according to lecture is adjustable within limits So if you think about us waking up at 9 10am when we are younger and 6am when we are older it seems like a reasonable adjustment that is not too drastic For me I think of adaptation as affecting a population species while acclimatization can affect individuals someone waking up for an 8am class vs someone waking up for their class at noon Dr Bronson also stated that acclimatization is usually reversible but an exception to this is when a fetus is exposed to alcohol in the womb and then develops differently than a fetus not exposed developmental acclimatization there is no genetic predisposition to waking up at 6am vs 7am or any other time in the morning However if we look historically back when humans were worried about predators it made the most sense to be awake and alert when they were most exposed daytime And then they could get their sleep under the cover of darkness So we are programmed to be up and active when our body recognizes that it is light out Think about full moons People become more active on the nights that have a full moon because their bodies are recognizing the more illuminated environment o Adjustable within limits acclimatization Can shift to be move awake at night if need be Not full flip Jet lag bodies never set up way to adjust because didn t have to Clock reset changing normal level SP environmental Set points are adjustable within bodies not species level Use based not genetic Ex temperature 55 in January vs 55 in August individual o Only so much we can get used to acclimated to b c it s already Usually reversible encoded in DNA Exception developmental acclimatization Happen early during development o Ex smoking weed will change brain chemistry Ex Fetal Alcohol Syndrome HCS Reflex Arc Figure 1 7 1 Receptor registering change occurring receives a stimulus such as body temp away from SS stimulus can be from the environment or inside of us external OR internal 2 Afferent pathway afferent means we are sending a message from receptor TO 3 something Integrating center compare to set point gathers info and decides if something needs to be done can be brain glands etc if same ish to SP process is done if off negative feedback 4 Efferent pathway signal sent away from integrating center and going to an effector 5 Effector get response physiology change back to SP How by messages being in the body passed b t the individual parts Control for HCS via Signal Chemical messengers sent between cells Most travel through the EC extracellular fluid that is outside of the cell Released by gland or neuron Pathway plasma Communicates with distant effectors most cells interstitial fluid IF neighbor effectors Messenger 1 Endocrine Aka hormone 2 Paracrine Fluid b t two cells by diffusion IF by synapse next neighbor neuron or effector muscle gland 3 Neurotransmitter neurons FIGURE 1 9 Question of the week How can we collapse these 3 messengers into only 2 groups 3 possible right answers Special cases some not based on having EC fluid Autocrine pathway IF effector releaser Cytokine IF plasma lymph messengers of our immune system immune signal cells need to be able to talk to cells close to them and cells distant FIGURE 3 9 Gap junctions direct channels between adjacent cells tunnels between cells are connected signal that is present in one cell and is able to move through and now signal is present in other cell Juxtacrines Bound to cell membrane not released communicate by interacting with the surface of the other cell FIGURE 18 12 Body Organization Cell are talking about each has same DNA genetic info blueprints that sets up physiology that we o New cells via mitosis FIGURE 1 1 o Unspecialized specialized process called differentiation o Can put cells into major categories 1 Muscle generate mechanical force 2 Nerve works with electrical signals how do they generate and communicate with these electrical signals neurons 3 Epithelial interacts with environment skin and lungs lined with epithelial cells 4 Connective connect anchor and support bone cells metabolic support blood cells fat cells energy components Tissues Groupings of similar specialized cells o Same 4 as above Organs combos of tissues figure 1 1 o Vary in proportion and pattern o Functional units repeats of functional unit Smallest yet still works kidneys nephrons Organ that only has one functional unit

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