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STUDY GUIDE FOR NUTR 23511 EXAM 1 Know and Understand the Functions of Enrichment fortification Fortification addition of one or more vitamins or minerals Nutrients were never there Any food can be fortified Ex orange juice never had calcium before fortification lactate orange juice apple sauce salt w iodine for our thyroid metabolisms Enrichment already had nutrients in product but when gone through manufacturing process they were lost need to be put back in ex fat is enrichment pasta cereals Food Additives substances added to food that become part of the food or effect there characteristics of the food applies to substances added intentionally or unintentionally they must be on the GRA list generally recognized as safe COOL Rule a country of origin label must appear on some products helps track down foodborne illnesses ex if everyone gets sick from same supply of bananas from Cuba MyPlate pros cons Pros It s easy Get plate half fruit veggies half meat and grains encourages you to eat healthy when concentrating on sections of plate Safe Cons says activity but plate can t make you move outside Nothing actually encourages physical activity MyPyramid does eat right amount of calories doesn t determine calories or needs for person Only you can determine that Nutrition Label Standards Nutrition Facts Panel Nutrient claims Health claims structure function claims Qualified health claims What has been found by scientists Nutrition Facts Panel serving size is most important b c rest of panel is calculated from that foods containing more than one ingredient must display a nutrition facts panel specific information is required additional information on specific nutrients may be added on a voluntary basis Mandatory total calories calories from fat total saturated etc fiber cholesterol vitamin a c calcium iron any other nutrients Not mandatory YET how much vitamin d ex vitamin d has deeply been researched lately and not enough is reoccurrence of diabetes heart disease cancers etc how much potassium helps regulate muscles high fruits veggies potatoes sweet potatoes kidney disease can t process potassium body can t pump blood and could die making volume more understandable for each thing Ingredients ex lots of sugar high fructose corn syrup first 5 ingredients have the most amount not based upon calories Meats Produce charts for omega 3 sodium cholesterol etc Nutrition Information for single foods may be presented on posters Daily Values BASED ON 2 000 CALORIE DIET scientifically agreed upon standards of daily intake of nutrients from the diet developed for use on nutrition labels represent percentages of standards RDAs obtained from one serving of the food product 2000 calorie daily intake 60 carbohydrate 30 fat 10 protein National Health Nutrition Examination Survey NHANES assess dietary intake health and nutritional status in sample of adults and children in the United States on a continual basis Healthy People 2020 a society in which all people live long healthy lives Determinants physical environment social environment individual behavior health services biology genetics health outcomes Overarching Goals attain high quality longer lives free of preventable disease disability inquiry and premature death achieve health equity eliminate disparities and improve the health of all groups create social and physical environment that promote good health for all promote quality of life healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 science based guidelines to promote heath reduce risk for major chronic diseases activity food groups to encourage fats carbohydrates sodium potassium alcoholic beverages food safety 9 focus areas 23 key recommendations guidelines on adequate nutrients within calorie needs weight management physical Food irradiation kind of like an x ray that food goes through kills insects bacteria mold other microorganisms does NOT make food radioactive Unsaturated fats found primarily in plant products veggie oil nuts seeds and in fish tend to lower blood cholesterol levels ex just because canola oil is a food unsaturated fat doesn t mean that you should consume a ton minimal as possible Nutrient dense empty calorie energy dense Nutrient dense contain relatively high amounts of nutrients compared to their calorie value provides more nutrients than calories ex broccoli collards bread cantaloupe lean meats Empty calorie provide excess of energy or calories in relation to nutrients ex soft drinks candy sugar alcohol animal fats Energy dense foods provide relatively high levels of calories per unit weight of food ex fried foods cheeseburgers potato chips biscuit egg sausage sandwich Diabetes diabetes mellitus disease characterized by abnormal glucose utilization elevated blood glucose levels type 1 2 gestational diabetes diet insulin exercise gestational only diabetes during pregnancy in women due to diet ethnicity age etc can be gone immediately after labor only small may develop into Type 2 excess sugar goes to baby could be born extra large or without brain could develop into its own diabetes Hypertension high blood pressure blood pressure inside blood vessel walls greater than 140 90mmHg Stroke disease cerebral vascular accident occurs when a blood vessel in the brain raptures or becomes blocked cutting off blood supply to a portion of the brain association with hardening the arteries explosion of blood vessel in brain could be small or large with outcomes varying deficit in different things can be things like diabetes could lead to a stroke Inflammation body s fist response from immune system to infectious agents toxins or irritants biologically active substances promote oxidation other reactions to counteract the infection toxin or irritant ex cut finger body goes through inflammatory to fix itself chronic inflammation ex fever for a week continuously elevated blood pressure damaging cells low grade inflammation lasting weeks to years damages lipids cells tissues Free radicals oxidative stress Oxidative Stress condition that occurs when cells are exposed to more oxidizing molecules such as free radicals than to antioxidant molecules that neutralize them over time oxidative stress causes damage to lipids DNA cells tissue increases the risk of heart disease type 2 diabetes cancer and other diseases cancer in our bodies free radicals attack our bodies more when we put things in our bodies that we shouldn t they go rapid 7 start

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KSU NUTR 23511 - EXAM 1

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