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Heather and Tyler s Notes 9 17 13 US Expansion Empire and Race PART 2 American Empire i Motivations for US expansion ii iii Era of Intervention Spanish American War Civilization Racial ideology in the US Expansion beyond the US Motivations for US expansion New markets were investors trade was taking place protecting the markets making sure european companies weren t coming in to compete with the American companies allowed certain goods to enter the US without a tariff tax as long as the American companies received the same privileges International prestige and geopolitics aimed to make own countries better wanted to use the resources wanted to dominate areas overseas european nations began to compete for overseas territory formal empire involved government setting up territories informal empire Alfred Thayer Mahan The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1890 1 it related to white supremacy race ideology Civilization religion Manliness going aboard and fighting could reassert this physical strength Hawaii was independent at this point American ties Treaties helped Economy dominated by American sugar plantations Rebellion 1893 Annexation 1898 American Empire So much control over another country informal empire Imperialism The process by which an expanding state dominates the territory the population and the resources of less powerful states or regions Britain was the most powerful country in the world ii Spanish American War Background Spanish colony destroyed any resources that could help the rebels American investments US support USS Maine struggle for liberty and freedom US had no reason to annex Roosevelt at San Juan Hill Imperial venture US forces ruled until 1900 PUERTO RICO guerilla war tactics made it harder to beat them ROOSEVELT huge part of the expansion process recruited representatives from immigrant groups students everyone except african americans due to segregation died of gunpowder disease and starvation Philippines Debate on Imperialism Opponents Colonization as un American a republic couldn t be an empire Proponents Compete with other major powers Civilization Era of Intervention China trade The Panama Canal between American continents Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine pledge to defend nations new world and old world remain separate Economic interests

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UD HIST 206 - American Empire

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