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Outline and Key Terms for Cell Structure and Function Cell Theory Three tenets Characteristics shared by all cells DNA Plasma Membrane Cytoplasm Ribosomes Major Types of cells Prokaryote Bacteria Archaea Eukaryote Plant cell Animal cell Key terms for cells What are the 3 tenets of the Cell Theory What do all cells have in common What are the two major structural types of cells What are the 2 types of each Draw and label a typical prokaryotic cell Draw and label both a plant and animal cell Give the function of each of the organelles and structures found in on each of the different types of Eukaryote cell What structures can be found in on both plant and animal cells What structures do plant cells have that animal cells do not and what is their function What structures do animal cells have that plant cells do not and what is their function Identify and describe 4 ways we study cells How are cells connected to each other Name each way and describe the molecules structures involved What is the endomembrane system Prokaryotes Pilli Capsule Cell wall Nucleus Endoplasmic Reticulum SER RER Golgi body apparatus Membrane bound vesicles Lysosomes Transport vesicles Mitochondrion Chloroplast Centriole Flagellum Endomembrane system and trafficking Endosymbiosis Theory Both Prokaryotes and some Eukaryotes have these but they are very different in each Eukaryotes 1 What makes up a living thing 1 2 3 What is a Cell How do we study cells I II Microscopy III Electron Microscopes 2 A B IV V 1 2 Types of Cells Two types Two types 3 4 5 Endomembrane system The Role of Lysosomes The Central Dogma Microbodies Storage vacuoles Mitochondria 6 Chloroplast Cytoskeleton Cilia Flagella Plant Cell Wall 7 Extracellular matrix Endosymbiosis Theory 8

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SC BIOL 101 - Cell Structure and Function

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