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Mary Christianson Nonprofit Management I Spring 2014 Final Exam Please answer all the questions thoroughly You may use any resource you see fit as long as it is included in the Works Cited Section at the end of the exam The exam is worth 50 points Please make sure the completed exam and Works Cited Section are attached in a readable format ex doc docx pdf 1 Natalie Warne spoke about Anonymous Extraordinaries State the idea behind being an anonymous extraordinary and how that relates to our study of nonprofit organizations 1 point The idea is someone who works selflessly and vigorously for what they believe in people who are motivation by conviction and not recognition It relates to our study of nonprofit organizations because there must be people in this field that are anonymous extraordinary because no nonprofit would be successful if there were people searching for selfish recognition That is the purpose behind it all in that it is made up of people who want to make a change in the world and for other people s lives needs not for profit or any recognition of their good deed 2 Summarize the story of Charity Water 1 point Charity Water was started by a man who decided to raise money for those who are in need of clean drinking water and had his friends donate 20 for his birthday party instead of gifts They also set up water tanks in the city to help raise awareness of what it would look like if we had to drink the water from rivers They have made such a huge impact already 3 State the message learned by watching the video entitled The Global Climate Wake Up Call 1 point The message learned from the video entitled the Global Climate Wake Up Call is that publically made creative ways to raise awareness about the global climate issues Avaaz members and TckTckTck Campaign representing the world issues we have with the climate issues with global warming I learned that with their message they were truly finding ways to protest for people to realize what is going on and to get the attention of world leaders 4 Define Nongovernmental Organization NGO 1 point A non governmental organization NGO is an organization that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for profit business 5 Write one paragraph explaining the role that nonprofit organizations play as gap fillers Be sure to list two examples of NPOs serving as gap fillers either within the United States or internationally 2 points The role that nonprofits play as gap fillers is that they were started because citizens didn t trust the government to provide them with the things that they needed The minority needs don t match what the government can do for them and nonprofits can react quicker This causes the government to match the needs of the voters while the nonprofits fill the gaps of what the other people in the country actually need An example of an NPO serving as a gap filler is Habitat for Humanity and their mission strives to improve society by providing a suitable place for families to live amongst other goals They make sure that families in our society have places to live and they perform as gap fillers because while the government has other things to attend to this is the organization s goal before all else Another is the American Red Cross because they swoop in whenever there is a national disaster or citizens are in need before the government has any time to begin to assist them 6 Name one organization that was created as a global organization 1 point ONE was an international organization of more than 6 million people campaigning and advocacy to end extreme poverty and preventable diseases particularly in Africa RED is a division of the ONE campaign 7 Define an international organization 1 point It is defined as a group having members from more than one country government or non governmental profit or non profit 8 Define market failure and give one example of market failure 2 points Market failure is a situation in which the market fails to allocate resources efficiently or fairly One example could be climate change because it is an environmental issue and the result is externally associated with greenhouse gas emissions and it entails costs that aren t paid for by those who are responsible for those emissions 9 Name one piece of information you learned from the video Speaking of Money A Guide to Fundraising for the Nonprofit Board 1 point I learned in the video Speaking of Money that nonprofits are very vital to our daily lives and most people don t realize how important they are into helping out the world Fundraising can be very awkward when asking people to donate their money but that is what nonprofits and their boards are responsible for They absolutely have to fundraise to carry out their mission s purpose Focus on the work for the community and realize why you are there Don t forget that you are the advocate for that community in making connections and helping make differences The passion needs to behind it and then it will be much easier to ensure success The video says that they are more agendas that people have and the history in the work that they value with the power of fundraising 10 Define the term assets 1 point Assets are the economic resources tangible or intangible that is able to be owned or controlled in value 11 Define the term liabilities 1 point Liabilities are money owed debts or something that could be disadvantageous to a person or organization 12 What is a governing board 1 point Governing board is the group of members that manages the affairs of the organization or intuition 13 Name three types of governing boards 3 points There are elected boards who are common in member serving and advocacy organizations Self perpetuating boards where the new member is selected by the existing members who recruit them according to criteria established by the board 14 List three responsibilities of the Functional Board 3 points Responsibilities of the Functional Board are to appoint support and evaluate the CEO They also must establish a clear institutional mission and purpose and approve the organization s programs Go to www service learningpartnership org and answer the following questions 15 Click on About Us and state how the partnership is funded 1 point The partnership is funded through grants from W K Kellogg Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation It is also sponsored by the Academy for Educational Development another nonprofit committed to solving critical social problems 16 Click on

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